Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/82

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. A D D I S O N. and held it with his deanery in commendam. In the convoca- tion, which met Dec, 4, 1689, dean Addifon was prefent; and was one of the committee appointed by the lower houfe to acquaint the lords, that they had confented to a conference on the fubjecl: of an addrefs to the king. He died April 20, 1703, in the yift year of his age, and was buried in the church-yard of Litchfield, at the entrance of the weft door, with rhe following epitaph on his tomb ftone ; " Hie jacet

    • Lancelotus Addifon, S.T.P. hujus ecclefise Decanus, nee

" non Archidiaconus Coventrias, qui obiit 20 die Aprilis, ' ann. Dom. 1703, setatis fure?!." Dr. Addifon wrote many learned anJ ufeful treatifes, of which we {hall give an account in a note [A]. [A] I. " WeftBarbary : or, a /hort " narrative of the revolutions of the " kingdoms of Fez and Morocco, with " an account of the prefent cuftocns, ' facred, civil, and domefiic, by Lance. " lot Addifon, chaplain to his rmjefly " in ordinary. Oxford, 1671." This piece is dedicated to Jofeph Williamfon, efq. Jt contains many curious particu- lars, related by the author on his own knowledge, agreeably to what he lays in his preface, that this book was not com- pofed from the accounts given by others, but was the fruit of diligent obfervations and many years enquiries. 2. " The prefent State of the Jews, " more particularly relating to thole in ' Barbary, wherein is contained an exact

  • ' account cf their cuftoms, fecular and
  • ' religious ; to which is annexed, a

" fummary difcourfe of the Mirna, Tal- " mud, and Gemara. London, 16-5. *' This is alfo dedicated to his former patron, under the title of the right ho- nourable Sir Jofeph Williamfon, princi- pal fecretary of ftate. 3. " The primitive Inftitution; or, " a feafonable difcourfe of catechifing, ' wherein is /hewn ihe antiq ify, bc-

  • ' nefit, and neceflity thereof ; together
  • ' with its fuitablenefs to heal the pre-

" fent diftempers of the church of Eng- " land." 4. " A mcdeft Plea for the Clergy, " wherein is briefly confidered the nri- " ginal, antiquity and nerefiky of that " calling; together with the fpurious

  • ' and genuine occafions of their prefent

" contempt. London, 1677." 5. " The firft State of Mahonietan- <( ifm j or, an account of the author and " doctrine cf that impoflu-e, London, " 1678." 6. " An Introduftion to the Sacra- " ment; or, a fliort, fdfe, and plain way " to the communion-table, collected for, " and rendered familiar to, every parti- " culat communicant, 1681." 7. " A Difcourfe of Tangier, urder ' the government of the eail of Tiviot, ' London, 1685." 8. "The Catechumen; or, an ac- " count given by the young perfon to the " rninifter, of his knowledge in religion, " upon his firft adrniflion to the Lord's " table. R<commfnded to the piefs by " two eminent divines of the church cf " England. London, 1690." 9. ' XPI2TOZ ATTOGEOZ ; or, an " hiftorical account of the herefy, de- " nying the godhead of Chrift. London, " 1689." This book comprehends, in a narrow compafs, the hiftory of various heretics, clea-ly ftated from original authors, for the ufe, probably, of fuch as were unable to read thofe authors in Greek and Latin. 10. " The Chriftian's daily Sacrifice <: duly performed ; or, a practical dif- ' cou-fe, teaching the right perform- " ance of prayer. Printed for Robert " Clavel, 1698." 11. ' ; An Account of theMilennium, ' the genuine Ufe of the Two Sacra- " ments, viz. Baptifm and the Lord'i " Supper, with the Chriftian's obliga- " tion frequently to receive the latter." Thefe three laft books, with (he Ca- techumen, are afcribed to Dr. Addifon in a catalogue printed at the end of his Chriftian'< Daily Sacrifice, publi/hed in the year 1698. ADDISON