Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/98

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62 ADRIAN. dertake the ccnquefl of Ireland, Adrian very readily complied, and fent him a bull for that purpofe, of which the following is a tranflation : " Adrian, bifhop, fervant of the fervants of " God, to his molt dear fonin Chrift, the illuftrious king of " England, fendeth greeting and apoftolical benediction. " Your magnificence is very careful to fpread your glorious " name in the world, and* to merit an immortal crown in

  • ' heaven, whiift, as a good catholic prince, you form a de-

" fign of extending the bounds of the church, of inflrudling

    • ignorant and barbarous people in the Chriftian faith, and of

" reforming the licentious and immoral ; and the more effec- " tually to put this defign in execution, you defire the advice

  • ' and afliftance of the holy fee. We are confident, that, by

" the bleffing of God, the fuccefs will anfwer the wifdom and

    • difcretion of the undertaking. You have advertifed us,

" dear fon, of your intended expedition into Ireland, to re- " duce that people to the obedience of the Chriftian faith; tc and that you are willing to pay for every houfe a yearly ac-

  • ' knowledgment of one penny to St. Peter, promifing to

' maintain the right of thofe churches in the fulleft manner." tc We therefore, being willing to ailift you in this pious and " laudable defign, and confenting to your petition, do grant " you full liberty to make a defcent upon that ifland, in or- " der to enlarge the borders of the church, to check the pro- " grefs of immorality, and to promote the fpiritual happinefs l( of the natives : and we command the people of that country " to receive and acknowledge you as their fovereign lord ; " provided the rights of the churches be inviolably preferved, " and the Peter- pence duly paid : for indeed it is certain " (and your highnefs acknowledges it) that all the iflands,

  • c which are enlightcnd by Chrift, the fun of righteoufnefs,
  • c and have embraced the doctrines of Chriftianity, are un-

" queftionably St. Peter's right, and belong to the holy Ro- " man church. If, therefore, you refolve to put your d?fjgns " in execution, be careful to reform the manners of that peo- " pie; and commit the government of the churches to able " and virtuous perfons, that the Chriftian rtligion may grow

  • c and flourifh, and the honour of God, and the prefervation

" of fouls be effrflually promoted ; fo fhall you deferve an " everlafting reward in heaven, and leave a glorious name to " all pofterity." His indulgence to this prince was fo great, he granted to the church of St. Alban ing that of the fee of Rome, with many the fingiilar privilege of being exempt other valub)e liberties aijd imiTlunj'ies, from all epifcopal jurifdiclion, except- Matt, i'ajis, ubi fopra. that