Page:A new dictionary of the terms ancient and modern of the canting crew, in its several tribes, of gypsies, beggers, thieves, cheats, &c. with an addition of some proverbs, phrases, figurative speeches, &c.djvu/117

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or something has some Savour. 'Tis pitty to fling Water on a Drown'd Mouse, or to depress the Miserable. A sorry Mouse that has but one Hole, or a poor Creature that has but one Shift.

Mouth, a noisy Fellow. A Mouthing Fellow, a Bawling or Scolding Person. He never Speaks, but his Mouth opens. Mouth half Cockt, gaping and staring at every thing they see.

Mower, c. a Cow.

Mow-heater, c. a Drover.


Muck, Money, Wealth; also Dung to manure Land.

Muckworm, a covetous Wretch.

Muckinder, a Child's Handkerchief tied by the side.

Muddled, half Drunk. To Muddle on, tho' so, yet to Drink on,

Muff, c. a Woman's Secrets. To the well wearing of your Muff Mort, c. to the happy Consummation of your Marriage Madam, a Health. Muffting-cheat c. a Napkin. Muggletonians, the Sect or Disciples of Lodowick Muggleton. Mulligrubs or Mumps, a Counterfeit Fit of the Sullens. Mum-for-that, not a Word of the Pudding. Mumble, to Mutter or Speak between the Teeth. Mum-chance, one that sits mutet He looks like Mum-chance that was Hang'd for saying of nothing.

Mum-glass, the Monument, erected at the City-charge, in Memory of the dreadful Fire 1666, which consum'd the greatest Part of it.

Mumpers, c. Gentile-Beggers, who will not accept of Victuals, but Money or Cloths.

Mumpers-Hail, c. se-