Page:A new dictionary of the terms ancient and modern of the canting crew, in its several tribes, of gypsies, beggers, thieves, cheats, &c. with an addition of some proverbs, phrases, figurative speeches, &c.djvu/156

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Scandalous, c. a Periwig.

Scandal-proof, a thorough pao'd Alsatian, or Minter, one harden'd or past Shame.

Shift the Scene, call a new Cause, or change the Discourse.

School-butter, a Whipping. I School'd him, I chid him severely.

School of Venus, c. a Bawdy-house.

Sconce, to build a large Sconce, to run deep upon Tick, or Trust.

Scotch-bobby, a little sorry, scrubbed, low Horse of that Country.

Scotch mist, a sober, soaking Rain.

Scoundrel, a Hedge-bird or sorry Scab.

Scoure, c. to wear. To Scoure the Cramp-rings, c. to wear Boks.

Scout, c. a Watch.

Scowre, c. to run away or scamper. Let us Scowre, or we shall be Boned, c. let us run away or we shall be Taken

Scowrers, c. Drunkards, beating the Watch, breaking Windows, clearing the Streets, &c.

Scrip, c. a shred or scrap of Paper. As the Cully did freely blot the Scrip, and sipt me 40 Hogs, c. one enter'd into Bond with me for 40 Shillings.

Scrub, a Ragamuffin.

Scrubado, the Itch.

Scrape all, a Money-Scrivener: also a miserable Wretch, or griping Fellow.

Screw, to Screw one up, to exact upon one, or Squeeze one in a Bargain or Reckoning.

Scud, the course or motion of the Clouds, in Fleeting

Scud-away, to Sail, Ride, or Run very fast.

Scumm, the Riff-Raff, or Tagrag and Long-tail. Rake Hell and Shim the Devil.

Scut, the Tail of a Hare or Coney.

Scuttle, to run away; also a square hole to go down through the Deek.
