Page:A new dictionary of the terms ancient and modern of the canting crew, in its several tribes, of gypsies, beggers, thieves, cheats, &c. with an addition of some proverbs, phrases, figurative speeches, &c.djvu/49

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course of time. Course of the Sun, Yearly or Daily, a Yearly or Daily Revolution, Course of he Moon, the Circle of a Month.

Court-holy-water, Court Promises.

Cow-hearted, fearful or Hen-hearted.

Cows-thumb, when a thing is done exactly, nicely, or to a Hair.

Cows-baby, a Calf.

Coxcomb, a Fool; a silly Coxcomb, a very foolish Fellow.

Crabbed, sower, churls.


Crab-lice, Cock, Male.
Hen, Female.
Vermin breeding in Moist and Hairy Parts of the Body.

Crack, c. a Whore.

Cracker, c. an Arse; also Crust.

Crackish, c. Whorish.

Cracking, Boasting, Vaporing. Crackt credit, Lost, Gone. Broken. Crackt-title, Unsound Crackt-brains, lost Wits. Crackmans, c. Hedges.

Cramped, a weight with a string tied to one's Toe, when a Sleep, much used by School-boies, one to another; also obstructed or hampered in any Business whatever.

Crag, a Neck; also a Rock.

Cramp-rings, c. Bolts or Shackles.

Cramp-words, difficult or uncommon.

Crank, brisk, pert.

Cranksided-ship, that does not bear Sail well.

Cranked-shells or Stones, wrinkled or wreathed.

Crap. c. Money. Nim the Crap, c. to Steal the Money. Wheedle for Crap, c. to coakse Money out of any Body.

Crash, c. to Kill.

Crash, the Cull, c. Kill the Fellow.

Crashing-cheats, c. Teeth.

Craz'd, Mad.

Crazy, infirm or distemper'd.

Creatures, Men raised1/