Page:A new dictionary of the terms ancient and modern of the canting crew, in its several tribes, of gypsies, beggers, thieves, cheats, &c. with an addition of some proverbs, phrases, figurative speeches, &c.djvu/51

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in a Friend, yet snack with the Sharper.

Crosspatch, a peevish froward Person.

Crotiles, Hares Excrements.

Crow-over, to insult or domineer. To pluck a Crow with one, to have a bout with him. Strut like a Crow in a Gutter, said in jeer of the Stalking of a proud Fellow. The Crow thinks her own Bird the Fairest, applied to those that dote on their .foul issues. As good Land as any the Crow Flies over, with regard it may be, to the Crow's being a long Liver; as no Carrion will kill a Crow, to his being so hardy a Bird.

Crowder, a Fidler.

Crown, the top of the Head or Hat; Imperial or Regal Crown. Where the Earth is raised it is said,to be Crown d with Hills, in Poetry. The End Crowns all, said both of the Event of Actions, and Finishing of Works. In the Crown-Office, Drunk; also to Crown, to pour on the Head. Cruisers, c. Beggers; also nimble Friggats Coasting to and fro for Prizes, and to carry Orders, &c.

Crump, c. one that helps Sollicitors to Affidavit-men, and Swearers, and Bail, who for a small Sum will be Bound or Swear for any Body; on that occasion, putting on good Cloaths to make a good appearance, that Bail may be accepted. Crump-back'd, Crooked or Huncht-backt Crumplings w*inkled Codlings, nsually the least, but sweetest. Crusty-beau, one that lies with a Cover over his Faee all Night, and uses Washes, Paint, &c.


Cub, or young Cub. c. a new Gamester drawn