Page:A new dictionary of the terms ancient and modern of the canting crew, in its several tribes, of gypsies, beggers, thieves, cheats, &c. with an addition of some proverbs, phrases, figurative speeches, &c.djvu/57

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Dirty Acres, an Estate in Land.

Dirty Beau, a slovenly Fellow, yet pretending to Beauishness.

Dirty puzzle, a sorry Slattern or Slut.

Disaffection, a disorder of any part of the Body. Disaffected to the State. Malecontents or factious

Disgruntled, disobliged or distasted.

Disingenuous, or indirect dealing, oppos'd to dealing on the Square.

Disguis'd, drunkish.

Dismal ditty, a Psalm at the Gallows; also a dull Ballad, or silly Song.

Dive, c. to pick a Pocket.

Diver, c. a Pick-poc ket.


Doash, c a cloak.

Dock, c. to lie with a Woman. The Cull Dockt the Dell in the Darkmans the Rogue lay with a Wench all night.

Doctor, c. a false Die that will run but two or three Chances. They put the Doctor upon him, c. they cheated him with false Dice.

Dog'd, follow'd close, way-laid. Agree like Dog and Cat, of those that are at variance. Every Dog will have his day, none so wretched but has his good Planet. An easy thing to find a Stick to beat a Dog, or it costs little to trouble those that cannot help themselves. It is an ill Dog is not worth the whistling after; or spare to speak spare to speed. He play'd me a Dog-trick, he did basely and dirtily by me.

Dogged, Sullen, pouting, or in the Dumps.

Doggrel, a Term for the meanest and basest Verse; such as Ballads, Bellmens-songs, and the sike Meeter of snow hill.

Doit, half a Farthing. Dutch Money, eight to a Penny, not a doit left, he has spent ail.

Doll, a wooden Block