Page:A new dictionary of the terms ancient and modern of the canting crew, in its several tribes, of gypsies, beggers, thieves, cheats, &c. with an addition of some proverbs, phrases, figurative speeches, &c.djvu/78

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Sense. What you game me? c. do you jeer me, or pretend to expose me, to make a May-game of me.

Gamesome, Wanton, Frolicksom, Playful.

Gan, c. a Mouth.

Ganns, c. the Lipps.

Gang, an ill Knot or Crew of Thieves, Pick-*pockets or Miscreants; also a Society of Porters under a Regulation, and to go.

Gape-seed, whatever the gazing Crowd idly stares and gapes after; as Puppet-shows, Rope-*dancers, Monsters, and Mountebanks, any thing to feed the Eye.

Garish, gaudy, tawdry, bedawbed with Lace, or all bedeck't with mismatcht, or staring Colours.

Garnish-money, what is customarily spent among the Prisoners at first coming in.

Gaume, see Paume.

Gaunt, lank, thin, hollow. GE

Gears, Rigging or Accoutrements Head-gear the Linnen or dress of the Head. In his Gears, ready Rigg'd or Drest. Out of his Gears out of Kelter, or out of sorts. It wont Gee, it won't Hit, or go.

Gelt, c. Money. There is no Gelt to be got, c. Trading is very Dead.

Gentian-wine, Drank for a Whet before Dinner.

Gentry-cove, c. a Gentle-man.

Gentry-cove-ken, c. a Nobleman's or Gentle-*man's House.

Gentry-mort, c. a Gentlewoman.

George, c. a half Crown piece. He tipt me Forty Georges for my Earnest; c. he paid me Five Ponnds for my Share or Snack.


Gibbrish, the Canting Tongue, or Jargon.