Page:A new species of Eupithecia Curtis (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) from the Andes of northern Chile.pdf/4

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Vargas: A new species of Eupithecia

Figures 3–6. Genitalia of Eupithecia copaquillaensis sp. nov. 3. Male genitalia in ventral view, phallus removed; 4. Phallus in lateral view; 5. Smaller cornutus; 6. Female genitalia in ventral view. Scale bar: 0.4 mm.

subsequent studies (Rindge 1991; Parsons et al. 1999), including the redefinition of Eupithecia by Mironov and Galsworthy (2012). The males of E. copaquillaensis sp. nov. and E. atacama have two cornuti on the vesica, the larger of which is a narrow horseshoe like piece with asymmetrical arms. However, the smaller cornutus is sub-cylindrical and curved on the distal half in E. copaquillaensis sp. nov., while it is depressed, squat and concave in E. atacama. The females of the two species have a mainly membranous corpus bursae with small teeth-like signa. However, the signa are grouped in a dense semicircular patch in E. copaquillaensis sp. nov., while those of E. atacamae are arranged in longitudinal stripes.

Description. Male (Fig. 1). Forewing length 9.9–10.1 mm.

Head. Frons and vertex creamy white with brownish gray scattered scales. Labial palp concolorous with frons and vertex. Antenna filiform, creamy white dorsally, ciliated ventrally, cilia longer than flagellomere diameter.