Page:A pilgrimage to my motherland.djvu/43

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years they have very erroneously made use of the name Yoruba, in reference to the whole nation, supposing that the Yoruba is the most powerful Aku tribe, but the appellation is liable to far greater objection than that of Aku, and ought to be forthwith abandoned; for it is, in the first place, unhistorical, having never been used of the whole Aku nation by any body, except for the last few years conventionally by the mission-aries; secondly, it involves a twofold use of the word 'Yoruba,' which leads to a confusion of notions; for in one instance the same word has to be understood of a whole, in another only of a part; and thirdly, the name being thus incorrect, can never be received by the different tribes as a name for the whole nation."

Viewed as to its power of enforcing order, and affording security for life and property, the government of Abbeokuta is as efficient as a civilized government can be, and it accomplishes these ends with the greatest ease and simplicity. Punishment is always summary and certain; notwithstanding, nobody complains of injustice. The penalty for theft is extreme, being either decapitation or foreign slavery. Before the advent of missionaries and civilized people adultery was sometimes also a capital offense; now it is modified to heavy fines, the amount of which is always proportioned to the position and wealth of the offender. Cases of