Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/100

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Dadymguddio, v. to cease hiding one’s self

Dadymgysylltu, v. to disconnect one’s self

Dadymlëu, v. to displace one’s self

Dadymloni, v. to cease cheering one’s self

Dadymnyddu, v. to become untwisted

Dadymorchuddio, v. to divest one’s self of covering

Dadymrwymo, v. to disengage one’s self

Dadymylu, v. to emarginate

Dadysgrif, n. a transcript shape

Dadystumio, v. to divest of land

Daear, n. earth, globe, soil, ground

Daearaidd, a. terreous, earthy

Daearblant, n. mortals

Daeardy, n. dungeon

Daearen, n. the earth

Daearfochyn, n. badger

Daearfyd, n. terrestial world

Daeargi, n. terrier

Daeargoel, n. geomancy

Daeargryn, n. earthquake

Daeargyrch, a. earth-seeking

Daearhwch, n. female badger

Daeariad, n. grounding

Daearlawr, n. ground-floor

Daearllyd, a. earthy

Daearllys, n. the peony

Daearod, n. interment

Daearog, a. terrestrious

Daearogan, n. geomancy

Daearol, a. terrestial

Daearoldeb, n. terrestrialness

Daearoli, v. to terrestrify

Daearoliad, n. terrestrification

Daearu, v. to inter; to earth

Daed, ad. as good, so good

Daer, n. fixed state: a. slow

Daearawd, n. a claiming; a fixing

Daered, n. appurtenance; mortuary

Daeargri, n. a doleful cry

Daeriad, n. a fixing, setting

Daerodi, v. to decree

Daeru, v. to fix, to decree

Dafad, n. a sheep, ewe

Dafaden, n. wart, schirrus

Dafadenog, a. full of warts

Dafadenu, v. to grow warty

Dafates, n. flock of sheep

Dafniad, n. a dropping

Dafnog, a. having drops

Dafnol, a. trickling, dropping

Dafnu, v. to trickle, to drop

Dafyn, n. a drop

Dagr, n. a tear, a drop; knife

Dagreuo, v. to lachrymate

Dagreuol, a. lachrymal

Dagru, v. to shed tears

Dai, n. that causes, the Deity

Daiar, n. the earth; earth

Daiawn, n. good: a. good

Daif, n. singe, blast

Daig, n. what is effused

Dail, n. leaves; foliage

Daill, n. product, issue

Dain, a. pure; fine; delicate

Daioni, n. goodness; good

Daionus, a. beneficial, good

Dair, n. an effusion, a song

Dais, n. a wish, a desire

Daith, n. flash, blaze

Dal, n. a hold, catch; a stop: v. to hold; to bear, to catch, to detain, to arrest

Dâl, n. a leaf, a lamina

Dala, v. to hold, to bear, catch

Dalbren, n. holdfast

Dalen, n. a leaf, a lobe

Dalenog, a. foliacious, leaved

Daleniad, n. foliation

Dalenu, v. to foliate

Dalfa, n. a capture, a hold

Daliad, n. holding

Daliaden, n. support, prop

Daliedydd, n. detainer

Daliwr, n. holder

Dall, n. blind one: a. blind

Dalliad, n. a blinding

Dallineb, n. blindness

Dallineb, n. blind worm