Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/108

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Derbyn, n. a receipt; v. to admit, to receive

Derbynadwy, a. receivable

Derbynfa, n. receptacle

Derbyniad, n. reception

Derbyniol, a. admissible

Derbynioldeb, n. acceptableness

Derbyniwr, n. receiver

Derch, a. elevated, exalted

Derchafael, n. ascension

Derchafawl, a. elevating

Derchafiad, n. exaltation

Derchafiaeth, n. elevation

Derchafu, v. to elevate

Derchawl, a. elevating, exalting

Derchiad, n. an elevating

Derchu, v. to elevate, to exalt

Derdri, n. obduracy

Dere, v. come thou

Deriad, n. a frowardly acting

Deriaw, v. to act frowardly

Derlin, n. the heart of oak

Derlwyn, n. an oak grove

Derllydd, a. poured, effused

Derllyddiad, n. depletion

Derllyddu, v. to pour out

Dernyn, n. a piece, a patch

Derwin, a. oaken, made of oak

Derwydd, n. a druid

Derwyddol, a. druidic, druidical

Derwyddoni, n. druidism

Deryw, v. it is done

Dês, n. system, order, rule

Desgyn, to ascend, to mount in rhetoric

Desgyneb, n. a climax

Desgyniad, n. ascension

Desgynol, a. ascending

Dest, n. order, or trim

Destl, a. neat, trim; delicate

Destlaidd, a. apt to be trim

Destliad, n. a putting in trim

Destlu, v. to make neat

Destlus, a. nice, neat trim

Destlusrwydd, n. neatness

Dethol, v. to pick, to select

Detholedig, a. chosen, picked

Detholiad, n. a selecting

Deu, v. to come, to arrive

Deuad, n. coming, arrival

Deuarddeg, n. twelve

Deuawl, a future, coming

Deubarth, a. of two parts

Deubarthiad, n. bisection

Deubarthu, v. to bisect

Deuben, n. a pair, two heads

Deubenog, a. two headed

Deublyg, a. double

Deublygiad, n. duplication

Deublygiaeth, n. duplicature

Deublygu, v. to duplicate

Deudro, n. two turns: a. twice

Deudroed, n. two feet

Deudroediog, a. bipedal

Deuddaint, a. bidental

Deuddeg, a. twelve

Deuddegfed, a. twelfth

Deuddyblyg, a. two-fold, duplicate

Deueiriog, a. equivocal

Deuenwol, a. binomial

Deufed, a. second

Deufin, of two edges, two-edged

Deugain, a. forty

Deugeinfed, a. fortieth

Deulais, a. of two sounds

Deuleisiad, n. diphthong

Deulin, n. the two fences

Deuliw, n. two colours

Deulin, n. two forms; a pair

Deulygeidiog, a. binocular

Deunaw, a. eighteen

Deuochrog, a. of two sides

Deuodd, n. the twain, the two

Deuol, a. future, coming

Deurydd, n. the cheeks

Deuryw, n. two sorts or kind

Deutu, n. two sides; about

Deuwedd, n. two form

Deuwynebog, a. having two face

Dewin, n. a diviner, a wizard; a. divine, theological

Dewines, n. a witch

Dewiniad, n. a divining

Dewiniaeth, n. divination

Dewinio, v. to divine

Dewis, n. choice

Dewisiad, n. a choosing