Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/116

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Digarad, a. disregarded; forlorn

Digarc, a. careless; unanxious

Digarchar, a. unimprisoned

Digardd, a. unstigmatised

Digariad, a. unbeloved, forlorn

Digaru, v. to cease loving

Digas, a without hatred, unhated

Diguer, n. anger, displeasure

Diged, a. without treasure

Digedenu, v. to remove nap

Digeintach, a. without bickening

Digel, a. not hidden, not secret

Digelwydd, a. free from falsehood

Digellwair, a. not joking

Digen, a. without scales, or scurf

Digenedl, a. without a family

Digenfigen, a. without envy

Digeraint, a. without kindred

Digerdd, a. artless; songless

Digerth, a. not imminent

Digerydd, a. without rebuke

Digiad, n. an angering

Digib, a. having no husk

Digig, a. without flesh, fleshless

Digil, a. unreceding; firm

Digilwg, a. without frown

Digio, v. to offend, to anger

Diglefyd, a. free from disease

Digliw, a. incompact, deformed

Diglod, a. without fame

Digloff, a. not lame or halt

Diglwyt, a. uninfected; sane

Digllon, a. angry, wrathful

Digllonder, n. wrathfulness

Diglonedd, n. displeasure

Diglloni, v. to be displeased

Digoed, a. without wood

Digofaint, n. anger, displeasure

Digoll, a. without loss or lapse

Digolled, a. free of loss, safe

Digollediad, n. indemnification

Digolledu, v. make good a loss

Digon, a. & ad. enough

Digonedd, n. abundance

Digoni, v. to suffice, to satisfy

Digoniant, n. prevalency

Digonoi, a. sufficient; sated

Digonoldeb, n. abundance

Digonoli, v. to satiate

Digor, n. habit; passion

Digorffori, v. to disembody

Digosp, a. unpunished

Digost, a. without expense

Digraff, a. not keen

Digraid, a. impassionate

Digrain, n. error: a wandering

Digrawn, a. unaccumulated

Digred, a. unbelieving, infidel

Digreulon, a. not cruel

Digribddail, a. without extortion

Digrif, a. amusing, jocose

Digrifâu, v. to amuse, to please

Digrifedd, n. pleasantry

Digrifwch, n. amusement

Digrintach, a. not miserly

Digroen, a. having no skin

Digroniad, a. unbounded

Digrybwyll, a. not alluded to

Digrych, a. unwrinkled

Digryn, a. without trembling

Digryno, a. incompact, untidy

Digu, a. not affectionate

Digudd, a. unconcealed

Digus, a. displeasing

Digwl, a. blameless, faultless

Digwsg, a. sleepless

Digwydd, a. without lapse

Digydwybod, a. unconscionable

Digyfaill, a. friendless

Digyfanedd, a. not domestic

Digyfarwydd, a uninformed

Digyfieuo, v. to disjoin

Digyfludd, a. unimpeded

Digyfnerth, a. helpless

Digyfnewid, a. unchangeable

Digyfoeth, a without wealth

Digyfraid, wanting necessaries

Digyfraith, a. lawless

Digyfran, a. unparticipated

Digyfrif, a. of no account

Digyfrwng, a. not intervening

Digyfrwydd, a. unpropitious

Digyfwng, a. close, immediate

Digyfyng, a. unconfined

Digyffelyb, a. dissimilar, unparallelled