Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/119

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Diofai, a. careless; secure

Diofaledd, n. carelessness

Diofalu, v. to become careless; to make secure

Diofalus, a. negligent

Diofalwch, n. negligence

Diofer, a. not vain or useless

Diofid, a. without affliction

Diofryd, n. vow; decision

Diofrydiad, n. a vowing

Diofrydog, a. vowed; devoted

Diofyn, a. undaunted, fearless

Diog, a. slothful, sluggish, slow, lazy

Diogan, a. reproachless

Diogel, a. unexposed; secure

Diogeledd, n. safety, security

Diogeliad, n. a securing

Diogelu, v. to secure, to guard

Diogelwch, n. safety, security

Diogelwr, n. a securer

Diogi, n. idleness, laziness

Diogi, v. to grow idle or lazy

Diogwydd, a. uninclined

Diogyn, n. idler, sluggard

Dioheb, a. unanswerable

Diohir, a. without delay

Diol, a. having no marks

Diolch, n. thanks; praise: v. to give thanks

Diolchgar, a. thankful; obliged

Diolchgarwch, n. thanksgiving

Diolchiad, n. a thanking

Dioledig, a. blotted out

Dioli, v. to blot out

Dioliad, n. obliteration

Diolo, v. to develope

Diolrain, a. uninvestigated

Diolud, a. without wealth

Dioludd, a. unobstructed

Diolwch, v. to show gratitude

Diolwg, a. sightless, blind

Diommedd, a. without refusal

Diorchudd, a. undisguised

Diorchwyl, a. unemployed

Diorfod, a. unconstrained

Dioriog, a. unfickle; steady

Diormes, a. unmolested

Diorphen, a. without end

Diorphwys, a. restless

Diorsaf, a. unstationery

Diorseddiad, n. a dethroning

Diorseddu, v. to dethrone

Diorwag, a. not trifling

Diorwan, a. without feebleness

Dios, a. unmoved; doubtless

Diosg, v. to undress

Diosgryn, a. unagitated

Diota, v. to tipple

Diotach, n. a tippling

Diotty, a. tippling house

Diotwr, n. a tippler, a sot

Dir, n. force; certainty: a. of force; certain, sure: pref. denoting vehemence or excess

Diradd, a. without rank

Diragfarn, a. without prejudice

Diragfwriad, a. improvident; without predetermination

Diragfyfyr, a. unpremedited

Diragofal, a. improvident

Diragor, a. without excellence

Diragrith, a. without hypocrisy

Diragwel, a. without foresight

Diraid, a. unnecessary, useless

Diran, a. without division

Dirboen, n. extreme pain

Dirboeni, v. to excruciate

Dirchwant, n. ardent desire

Dirchwant, profuse perspiration

Dirdan, a. extremely distended

Dirdra, n. an outrage

Dirdynu, v. to pull extremely

Dirddwys, extremely condensed

Direb, n. a trite saying

Direidi, n. mischievousness

Direswm, a. irrational

Dirfaint, n. extreme bulk

Dirfarn, n. a harsh sentence

Dirfawr, a. extremely large

Dirfod, v. to be of necessity

Dirganfod, v. to look earnestly

Dirgariad, n. extreme love

Dirgel, n. a secret place: a. secret, occult

Dirgeledig, a. secreted, hidden

Dirgeledigaeth, n. a mystery