Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/124

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Dosbarthedigaeth, n. classification, distinction

Dosbarthiad, n. distinguishing

Dosbarthol, a distributive

Dosbarthu, v. to distribute, to distinguish, to determine

Dosbarthus, a. discretive

Dosbarthwr, n. distributer, an analyser

Dosben, n. a particular

Dosbeniad, n. a particularising

Dosi, v. to trickle, to drop

Dosiad, n. a trickling, dropping

Dosog, a. having drops

Dosol, a. dropping

Dosraniad, n. an analysing

Dotiad, n. a confusing

Dotian, v. to confuse

Dotio, v. to confuse, to puzzle

Dra, n. produce, essence

Draen, n. prickle, thorn

Draenog, n. hedgehog: a. full of prickles

Draenblu, n. down feathers

Draened, n. urchin, hedgehog

Draenen, n. thorn, thornbush

Draeneta, v. to hunt urchins

Draenglwyd, n. thorn hurdle

Draenllwyn, n. thorny brake

Drag, n. fragment, piece

Dragiad, n. tearing in pieces

Dragio, v. to tear in pieces

Dragiog, a. having rents

Dragon, n. leader in war

Dragwm, n. scaly coat

Draig, n. dragon; lightning

Drain, n. thorns, prickles

Draw, ad. yonder, at a distance

Dref, n. tie, bundle

Drefa, n. twenty four sheaves

Drefu, v. to bundle; to thrave

Dreng, a. surly, morose

Drengyn, a. surly chap

Dreigio, v. to lighten at a distance without thunder

Dreigiol, a. like a dragon

Dreiniach, n. prickles

Dreiniog, a. thorny

Dreinllyd, a. thorny, prickly

Dreinios, n. small prickles

Drel, n. clown

Drelaidd, a. churlish, boorish

Drelgi, n. churlish dog

Dreliad, n. a scolding

Drelio, v. to use low abuse

Drelyn, n. a churlish one

Drem, n. sight, look, aspect

Drew, n. stench, stink

Drewbryf, n. bug

Drewedig, a. stinking

Drewg, n. the darnel

Drewgoed, n. bean trefoil

Drewi, n. stench, stink

Drewiant, n. a stinking

Drewsawr, n. fetid smell

Dring, n. a flight of steps

Dringediad, n. escalade

Dringfa, n. a place to climb

Dringiad, n. a climbing

Dringiedydd, n. a climber

Dringlyn, n. a pendulum

Dringo, v. to climb

Drud, n. a daring one, a hero: a. daring; dear, costly

Drudaniaeth, n. a dearth

Drudiant, n. forwardness

Drudwen, n. a starling

Drudws, n. the starlings

Drudwst, n. a chattering

Drudwy, n. chatter; starling

Drwg, n. evil; mischief: a. evil, bad, naughty

Drws, n. a doorway, a door

Dry, a. forward, foremost

Drych, n. aspect; mirror

Drychiannog, a. sightly

Drychiannol, a. prospective

Drychiant, n. a prospect

Drychiolaeth, n. an apparition

Drychioli, v. to make apparent

Drychol, a. relating to aspect

Drychu, v. to make apparent

Drychwant, n. evil desire

Drychynog, a. sightly, comely

Dryd, n. economy: a. thrifty