Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/127

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Dyalladwy, a. comprehensible

Dyar, n. a din, noise: v. to make a tumult

Dyarchiad, n. a demanding

Dyaros, v. to be tarrying

Dyban, n. an ant, emmet

Dybarthu, v. to be separating

Dyben, n. conclusion, end

Dybendod, n. conclusion

Dybeniad, n. a concluding

Dybenol, a. concluding

Dybenrwydd, n. conclusiveness

Dybenu, v. to conclude

Dybleidio, v. to take a part

Dyblisgo, v. to strip off shells

Dyblyg, n. a double, a fold: a. double folded

Dyblygiad, n. a doubling

Dyblygol, a. duplicative

Dyblygu, v. to double, to fold

Dyboeri, v. to spit about

Dybori, v. to browse

Dyborth, n. a support

Dyborthi, v. to support

Dyborthiad, n. a supporting

Dybreiddio, v. to be depredating

Dybry, n. the sea-hen

Dybryd, a. sad; ugly; horrid

Dybryder, n. pensiveness

Dybryderu, v. to be sadly musing

Dybryn, n. purchase: merit

Dybrynol, a. meritorious

Dybrynu, v. to get esteem

Dyburo, v. to purify

Dybwyllo, v. to persuade

Dybyr, a. pensive, or sad

Dybyrdod, n. a melancholy

Dybyrio, v. to depress

Dych, n. a groan, sigh

Dychan, n. groan

Dychiad, Dychiant, n. a sigh

Dychio, v. to sigh, to groan

Dychiori, v. to utter sighs

Dychlaig, n. a drooping

Dychlais, n. a breaking out

Dychlam, n. a fluttering

Dychlamiad, n. a fluttering

Dychlamol, a. fluttering

Dychlamu, v. to flutter

Dychlyd, n. what is carried

Dychludo, v. to carry

Dychluddo, v. to inclose

Dychrain, n. a crawling

Dychre, n. a croaking

Dychreu, v. to croak

Dychrymu, v. to how

Dychryn, n. terror, fright

Dyrhrynadwy, a. terrible

Dychryndod, n. terror

Dychrynedig, a. terrified, frightened

Dychryniad, n. a frightening

Dychrynllyd, a. fearful, terrible

Dychrynol, a. terrifying

Dychrynu, v. to frighten

Dychrynwr, n. a trembler, frightener

Dychrys, n. haste, hurry

Dychrysiad, n. a hurrying

Dychrysio, v. to hurry

Dychurio, v. to be afflicted

Dychwaen, n. chance, event

Dychwaeth, n. relish

Dychwant, n. appetite

Dychwardd, n. laughter

Dychwedlu, v. to discourse

Dychwel, n. a turn, course

Dychweladwy, a. revertible

Dychweledig, a. reversed

Dychwelfa, recurrence; return

Dychweliad, n. a recurring; a returning; a conversion

Dychwelwr, n. one who turns or returns; a convert

Dychwelyd, v. to return

Dychwydd, n. a heaving

Dychwyl, a. revolution

Dychwysu, v. to sweat

Dychyfaer, n. recounter

Dychyfalâu, v. to assimilate

Dychyfarfod, v. to meet

Dychyfeirio, v. to come in contact

Dychyfiad, n. equalisation

Dychyfuno, v. to agree

Dychyffröi, v. to agitate

Dychymyg, n. invention; a riddle or enigma