Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/142

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Eneirchio, v. to put in armour

Ener, n. an intelligence

Enfawr, a. very great. huge

Enfil, n. an animal, a beast

Enfyged, n. worship, aspect

Enfysg, n. rainbow

Enhuddaw, v. to envelope

Enhuddawl, a. envelope

Enhudded, n. envelopment

Enhuddiad, n. an enveloping

Enhued, n. follower of the chase

Eni, v. to exert the soul

Eniain, a. temperature; a. very clear; intense

Enid, n. wood lark; chaffinch

Enig, a. full of spirits

Eniwaid, n. damage, harm

Eniwaw, v. to endamage

Eniwawl, a. hurtful, noxious

Eniwed, n. damage, harm

Eniwedu, v. to damage

Eniweidiad, n. a damaging

Eniweidio, v. to endamage

Enllib, n. slander, calumny

Enllibiad, n. a slandering

Enllibio, v. to slander

Enllibiol, a. calumnious

Enllibiwr, n. a slanderer, a defamer

Enllibus, a. contumelious

Enllyn, n. victuals, meat

Enllynu, v. to moisten food

Ennill, n. advantage, gain: v. to get advantage

Ennillgar, a. advantageous

Ennilliad, n. a gaining

Ennyd, n. a while, a space leisure; spare time

Ennyn, n. a kindling: v. to kindle, to burn

Ennyniad, n. a kindling

Ennynol, a. tending to kindle

Ennynu, v. to kindle, to inflame

Enrhy, n. abundance, much

Enrhyal, n. breed, increase

Enrhyfedd, a. wonderful, strange

Enrhyfeddu, v. to marvel

Enserth, n. a slip: a. slippery

Entraw, n. a teacher, a master

Entrew, n. sneeze: a snort

Entrewi, v. to sternutate

Entrewiad, n. sternutation

Entrych, n. the firmament

Enw, n. name, appellation

Enwad, n. a naming

Enwadol, a. denominative

Enwaered, a. very low; prone

Enwai, n. nominative case

Enwaid, a. having a name

Enwaidedig, a. circumsised

Enwaidiad, n. circumcision

Enwaidio, v. to circumcise

Enwaidiwr, n. a circumsiser

Enwair, a. full of energy

Enwaisg, a. very brisk or gayp>

Enwawd, n. nomination

Enwedig, a. specified, especial

Enwedigaeth, n. specification

Enwedigo, v. to specify

Enwedigol, a. especial

Enweirus, a. energetic

Enwi, v. to name, to entitle

Enwir, a. very true; perfect

Enwog, a. renowned, famous

Enwogi, v. to make renowned

Enwogrwydd, n. renownedness

Enwol, a. nominal, naming

Enwyll, n. very wild

Enwyn, a. very white, also buttermilk

Enycha, interj. behold, lo

Enyd, n. while, time, space

Enydd, n. seat of intellect

Enyfed, n. energy, vigour

Eng, n. space: a ample

Engherdded, n. a sojourning

Engi, v. to set at large, to free

Englyn, n. a metre so called

Engu, v. to set at large, to free

Engur, a. marvellous, amazing

Engurio, v. to marvel

Engwarth, n. a beach

Engwth, n. a push: a. sudden

Engyl, n. expanding principle: fire; angels

Engyn, n. an outcast, a wretch

Engyrth, a. awful, direful