Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/144

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Ergrydio, v. to cause, to quake

Ergrydiol, a. tending to agitate

Ergryf, a. endowed with strength

Ergryn, n. terror, horror, dread

Ergrynawd, n. trepidation

Ergrynedig, a. made to tremble

Ergryniad, n. tremulation

Ergrynig, a. apt to tremble

Ergrynol, a. terrifying

Ergrynu, v. to tremble

Ergwydd, n. a tumble, a fall

Ergwyn, n. cause of complaint

Ergwyno, to make to complain

Ergyd, n. a propulsion, throw, cast; shot; stroke

Ergydiad, n. a striking

Ergydio, v. to propel, to throw, to cast; to shoot; to charge

Ergydiol, a. propulsive

Ergydiwr, n. thrower, shooter

Ergyr, n. impulse, thrust

Ergyrch, n. an onset, an attack

Ergyrchiad, n. an attacking

Ergyrchu, v. to make an onset

Ergyriad, n. an impulsion

Ergyrio, v. to impel, to thrust

Ergyriol, a. impulsive

Erhelfa, n. a hunting party

Eriaw, v. to make progress

Erin, a. moving, progressive

Erioed, adv. from the beginning; ever the past; never the past

Eriw, n. progress, course

Erlewyn, n. a meteor

Erlid, n. a pursuit, a chase: v. to pursue; to persecute

Erlidedig, a. persecuted

Erlidedigaeth, n. persecution

Erlidfa, n. a pursuit, a chase

Erlidiad, n. a pursuing

Erlidigaeth, n. persecution

Erlidfa, n. a pursuit, a chase

Erlidiol, a. pursuing, chasing

Erlidiwr, n. pursuer; persecutor

Erlif, n. a great torrent; flood

Erlifiad, n. a deluging, an overflowing

Erlifo, v. to flow in a torrent

Erlyn, n. pursuit, chase: v. to pursue, to follow

Erlyniad, n. a pursuer

Erlyniaeth, n. the act of pursuing

Erlyniedydd, n. pursuer

Erlynol, a. persuing, chasing

Erllen, n. a lamp

Erllyfasu, v. to adventure

Erllynedd, adv. since last year

Ermaes, a. external, outward

Ermid, n. a junction; conflict

Ermig, n. instrument, tool

Ermilus, a. prowling about

Ermoed, adv. in all my life

Ermyg, n. what claims respect

Ermygu, v. to adore, to revere

Ern, n. earnest, pledge

Ernes, n. earnest, pledge

Erniw, n. harm, hurt

Erniwed, detriment, hurt

Erniwiad, n. a doing harm

Erniwiant, n. detriment, hurt

Erniwio, v. to harm, to hurt

Erniwiol, a. detrimental, hurtful

Erno, v. to give earnest money

Ernwy, n. briskness, vivacity

Ernych, n. that gives anguish

Ernychiad, n. a tormenting

Ernychol, a. tormenting

Ernychu, v. to torment, to vex

Ernyd, n. a precipice, a slope

Ertrai, n. ebb, ebb tide

Erth, n. an effort, a push

Erthiad, n. a making effort

Erthrwch, n. a tear, anguish

Erthu, v. to make effort

Erthwch, n. a puffing

Erthychain, v. to puff; to groan

Erthrychiad, n. a puffing

Erthrychu, v. to mangle

Erthyl, n. an abortion, untimely birth

Erthyliad, n. abortion

Erthylog, a. miscarrying

Erthylu, v. to miscarry

Erw, n. a slang of land; an acre

Erwan, n. a stab, a sting

Erwaniad, n. a stabbing