Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/154

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Gaflach, n. a fork; the stride an angle; a dart

Gaflachiad, n. a forking

Gaflachu, v. to furcate

Gaflaw, n. a salmon peel

Gaflaweg, n. a salmon-net

Gafr, n. a goat, a she-goat

Gafraidd, a. like a goat

Gafren, n. a little goat

Gafriad, n. a stacking of corn

Gafriaw, v. to stack corn

Gafrlam, n. a capriole

Gag, n. an aperture, a cleft

Gagen, n. a cleft, a chink

Gagendor, n. yawning gulf

Gageniad, n. a rifting

Gai, n. foam, spray, froth

Gail, n. the eyelid

Gaing, n. a wedge

Gair, n. word; a saying

Gaith, n. utterance: a. open

Gâl, n. a plain; a gaol; a foe: a. spread out; clear, fair

Galaeth, n. the galaxy

Galan, n. dead body, corpse

Galanas, n. murder

Galanastra, n. a massacre

Galanasol, a. murderous

Galanasu, v. to murder

Galar, n. mourning, grief

Galareb, n. threnody

Galargân, n. a monody

Galariad, n. a mourning

Galarloes, n. pang of grief

Galarnad, n. lamentation

Galarnadu, v. to utter moans

Galarnwyf, n. passion of grief

Galaru, v. to lament

Galarus, a. mournful, sad

Galarwisg, a. mourning dress

Galarwr, n. a mourner

Galawnt, a. fair, brave, gallant

Galeg, n. Gaulish tongue

Galiod, n. people of Gaul

Galofydd, n. an architect

Galofyddiaeth, n. architecture

Galon, n. hostile ones, foes

Galw, n. a call; a vocation

Galwad, n. calling: vocation

Galwai, n. vocative case

Galwedig, a. called, named

Galwedigaeth, n. a calling

Galwedigol, a. denominative

Galwyn, n. a gallon, eight pints

Gall, n. energy; ability

Gallad, n. a being able

Galldwymyn, n. tertian ague

Galldwyn, n. the plague

Galledig, a. potential

Galledigaeth, n. possibility

Gallel, v. to be possible, to be able

Gallt, n. an ascent, a cliff

Galltofydd, n. a mechanic

Gallu, n. power, ability: v. to be able, may or can

Galluad, n. a making able

Galluadwy, a. possible

Galluedigaeth, n. a making able

Galluedd, n. puissance

Galluog, a powerful, mighty

Galluogrwydd, n. potentiality

Galluogi, v. to empower

Galluol, a. energetic, potent

Gân, n. a birth: the thrush: n. capacity; a mortice

Gan, prep. with, in connection: conj. because; whereas

Ganiad, n. a containing

Gânu, v. to contain, to hold

Gâr, n. the ham; the shank

Gar, prep. at, by, near

Garan, n. a shank; a crane

Garanu, v. to shank, to shaft

Gardys, n. a garter

Gardd, n. a close; a garden

Garddiad, n. a gardening

Garddu, v. to make a garden

Garddwr, n. a gardener

Garddy, n. the seed caraway

Gargam, a. knock-kneed

Garhir, a. long-shanked

Garllaes, a. limping, halting

Garlleg, n. the garlick

Garllegan, n. the head of garlick

Garm, n. a shout, an outcry

Garmiad, n. a shouting