Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/176

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Gwahanredu, v. to distinguish

Gwahansang, n. a parenthesis

Gwahansangiad, n. interposition

Gwahansangu, v. to interpose

Gwahanu, v. to divide, to part

Gwahardd, n. a prohibition

Gwaharddedig, a. prohibited

Gwaharddiad, n. a forbidding

Gwaharddol, a. prohibitory

Gwaharddu, v. to prohibit

Gwahen, n. exhaustion

Gwaheniad, n. an exhausting

Gwahenu, to exhaust, to empty

Gwahoddedig, a. invited, or bidden

Gwahoddiad, n. invitation

Gwahoddi, v. to invite, to bid

Gwahoddwr, n. an inviter

Gwail, n. that if over

Gwailg, n. that turns over

Gwain, n. what serves or supports; a carriage; a sheath: a. smart, neat, brisk

Gwaint, n. what is smart or lively: a. smart, neat; brisk

Gwair, n. hay: a. fresh, sprouting; ardent

Gwaisg, n. vigour; briskness; a. brisk, lively: ad. briskly

Gwaith, n. act, action; work; n. course, turn, time: ad. because, that, since

Gwal, n. a couch; an inhabited region; a plat; a fallow; rampart, a wall

Gwala, n. fullness, sufficiency

Gwalabyr, n. a pathway

Gwalad, n. arrangement, order

Gwaladr, n. a ruler, a sovereign

Gwaladru, to arrange, to order

Gwalaeth, n. grief, sorrow

Gwalaethu, v. to grieve

Gwalas, n. a couch: low land

Gwalbant, n. the top of a building where the beams rest

Grwalc, a turn up; fencework, battlement, a rail; cock of a hat

Gwalciad, n. a turning up, a cocking

Gwalcio, v. to turn up, to cock

Gwalciog, a. turned up, cocked

Gwalch, n. that soars; a hawk; a hero

Gwalches, n. a female hawk

Gwalchiad, n. a soaring aloft

Gwalchwr, n. a falconer

Gwalchyddiaeth, n. falconry

Gwald, n. a hem; a welt

Gwaldas, n. a strengthening welt

Gwaidiad, n. a welting

Gwaldon, n. raised bank

Gwaldu, v. to welt, to hem

Gwales, n. a couch; a region

Gwalfa, n. a layer, a stratum

Gwaliad, n. a walling

Gwalio, v. to wall, to fence

Gwaling, n. a litter, a brood

Gwaltes, n. a welt of shoe

Gwalteisiad, n. a welting

Gwalteisio, v. to form a welt

Gwalwys, n. the Gauls

Gwaly, n. capacity, inside

Gwalyaw, v. to make full

Gwall, n. defect, neglect

Gwallaw, v. to pour, to empty

Gwallawd, n. failure, mistake

Gwallawg, a. defective, faulty

Gwallawgair, n. error in pleading

Gwallawiad, n. a pouring out

Gwallbwyll, n. irrationality, defect of reason

Gwalldan, n. wild fire

Gwallfarn, n. faulty judgment

Gwallgof, n. distraction

Gwargofi, v. to fail in memory

Gwalliad, n. a failing

Gwallofaint, n. defection

Gwallofi, v. to pour out

Gwallt, n. hair of the head

Gwalltawg, a. having hair

Gwalltiad, n. a growing hair

Gwalltu, v. to grow hair

Gwallusdra, n. neglectfulness

Gwallwg, n. defection

Gwallygfa, n. imperfection

Gwallygiad, n. making faulty