Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/182

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Gwell, a. better

Gwella, v. to better, to mend

Gwellâd, n. a bettering

Gwelladwy, a. improveable

Gwellaif, n. shears, scissors

Gwellâu, v. to better, to improve

Gwelleifiad, cutting with shears

Gwelleifio, v. to cut with shears

Gwelliad, n. a bettering

Gwelliannu, to better, to mend

Gwelliant, n. amendment

Gwellig, a. improving, mending

Gwellineb, a. improvement

Gwelling, n. a benediction

Gwellt, n. grass; sward; straw

Gwelltiad, n. a turning to straw

Gwelltio, v. to turn to straw

Gwelltog, a. grassy, having straw

Gwelltorio, v. to cover with grass

Gwelltyn, n. grass blade, straw

Gwellwell, adv. better and better

Gwellyniad, n. an improving

Gwellynio, v. to improve

Gwemp, a. fair, gay or splendid

Gwempl, n. a wimple, a veil

Gwen, n. a smile, a simper

Gwen, n. a fair one, a beauty

Gwenan, n. a blister on the skin

Gwenci, n. stout, fitch, weazle

Gwendid, n. weakness, frailty

Gwendydd, n. morning star

Gwener, n. what yields bliss: Venus, Dydd Gwener, Friday

Gwenfa, n. a curd of a bridle

Gwenhwys, n. men of Gwent

Gweniaeth, n. flattery

Gwenieithiad, n. a flattering

Gwenieithio, v. to flatter

Gwenieithus, a. apt to flatter

Gwenith, n. wheat

Gwenithen, n. a grain of wheat

Gwenithfaen, n. granite

Gwennol, n. a swallow; a shuttle

Gweno, n. the evening star

Gwênol, a. smiling, pleasing

Gwent, n. a fair or open region. A name for a part of Monmouthshire

Gwentas, n. a high shoe

Gwenu, v. to smile, simper

Gwenwisg, n. a surplice

Gwenwyn, n. venom, poison

Gwenwynad, n. a poisoning

Gwenwyndra, n. poisonousness; fretfulness

Gwenwynig, a. poisonous

Gwenwynllyd, a. poisonous; fretful

Gwenwyno, v. to poison

Gwenwynol, a. poisonous

Gwenyd, n. felicity; bliss

Gwenydiad, n. a making happy

Gwenyddiad, n. felicity

Gwenyddol, a. felicitous; amusing

Gwenyn, n. the bees

Gwenynen, n. a single bee

Gwenynlle, n. a place for bees

Gwenynllestr, n. a bee hive

Gwenynog, a. abounding with bees

Gweol, a. relating to weaving

Gwep, n. a visage, a phiz

Gwepa, n. the visage or look

Gwepio, v. to make a long face

Gwer, n. tallow, or suet

Gwerchyr, n. a cover, a lid

Gwerchyriad, n. a covering

Gwerchyrio, v. to cover with a lid

Gwerdd, a. green, verdant

Gwerddon, n. a green spot

Gweren, n. a cake of tallow

Gwerin, n. the multitude: a. vulgar, or universal

Gwerinad, n. a becoming general

Gweriniaeth, n. democracy

Gweriniaethol, a. democratic

Gwerino, v. to spread out

Gwerinol, a. universal; vulgar

Gwerinos, n. the rabble, mob

Gwerlas, n. a green meadow

Gwerlin, n. pure, descent

Gwern, n. a swamp; a mead; alder

Gwernen, n. an alder tree

Gwerol, a. tallowy; like suet

Gwers, n. a verse, a lesson

Gwersa, v. to tattle, to gossip

Gwersig, n. a short lesson