Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/193

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Gwyrfedd, pureness, freshness

Gwyrfiad, n. a freshening

Gwyrfio, v. to freshen

Gŵyrgam, a. obliquely crooked

Gŵyrgamu, v. to turn awry

Gwyriaws, n. a privet

Gwyrin, a. of a fresh nature; chaste

Gwyrlen, n. a garland

Gwyrni, n. bots or wornils, maggots in cows; wryness

Gŵyro, v. to swerve, to deviate

Gŵyrol, a. slanting, inclining

Gwyrth, n. virtue; a miracle

Gwyrthiad, n. a giving virtue

Gwyrthio, v. to confer virtue

Gwyrthiol, virtuous; miraculous

Gwyrthioldeb, n. virtuousness, miraculousness

Gwyrtos, n. ignoble persons

Gwyrydd, what is pure or chaste

Gwyryf, n. a virgin, a maid

Gwyryf, a. fresh, pure untainted

Gwyryfdod, n. virginity, chastity

Gwyryfiad, n. a making fresh

Gwyryfol, a. virginal, maiden

Gwyryfu, v. to make fresh

Gwyryng, n. maggots

Gwys, n. people, a peopled region

Gŵys, n. a profundity: a. deep

Gwŷs, n. a summons

Gwysedig, a. being summoned

Gwysg, n. gravity; a stream: a. precipitate, headlong

Gwysgi, n. tendency to a level

Gwysgiad, n. a precipitating

Gwysgio, v. to precipitate

Gwysgiol, a. precipitant

Gwysgion, n. pottage, porridge

Gwysgiad, n. a summoning

Gwysgod, n. precipitation

Gwysigen, n. a blister, a bladder

Gwysio, v. to summon

Gwysiol, a. summoning

Gwyslythyr, n. writ of citation

Gwyso, v. to summon, to cite

Gwyst, n. what is shrunk or low

Gwystl, n. a pledge; a hostage

Gwystle, n. a pledging

Gwystledigaeth, the act of pledging

Gwystleidiaeth, n. a pledging; a mortgaging

Gwystliad, n. a pledging

Gwystlo, v. to pledge, to pawn

Gwystlwr, n. a pawner

Gwystno, v. to wither

Gwystyn, a. withered, dried

Gwyth, n. a channel; a drain; a view

Gwythad, n. irritation, chafing

Gwythaint, n. bird of wrath

Gwythen, n. a duct, a vein

Gwythenog, a. having veins

Gwythenol, a. venal, of veins

Gwythien, a vein, a blood-vessel

Gwythig, a. infuriate, wrathful

Gwythlon, a. wrathful, furious

Gwytho, v. to irritate

Gwythod, n. irritation

Gwythog, a. wrathful, angry

Gwythol, a. wrathful, raging

Gythred, n. channel of a stream

Gythreden, n. a rivulet

Gwythwr, n. an angry man

Gwyw, withered, faded; feeble

Gwywder, n. faded state

Gwywel, n. withered vegetation

Gwywiad, n. a withering

Gwywo, v. to wither, to fade

Gwywol, a tending to wither

Gybain, v. to wail, to moan

Gyda, prep. mutation of CYDA; with; in contact with

Gyferbyn, prep. over against

Gygiad, a glancing; a frowning, a looking grimly

Gygol, a. glancing; frowning

Gygu, v. to glance; to frown

Gygus, a. frowning; grim, glum

Gylf, Gylfant, a bill, or a beak

Gylfgragen, n. a scollop-shell

Gylfin, n. a bill, or beak

Gylfinbraff, n. the cross-beak

Gylfin-gam, a. hook-beaked

Gylfinhir, q. the curlew