Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/201

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Heuriad, n. an asserting

Heuriannu, v. to vindicate

Heuriant, n. a vindication

Heuro, v. to assert, to affirm

Heurol, a. assertive, positive

Heusawr, n. a herdsman

Heuslan, n. the sheep-lice

Heuso, v. to protect

Heusori, v. to tend herds

Hew, n. a call of defiance

Hewcri, Hewgrach, n. pertness

Hewiad, n. a hectoring

Hewrach, n. a squabble

Hewydd, n. passion: zeal

Hewydus, a. passionate; zealous

Hewydd, n. maturity

Hewyn, n. what is mature

Hi, n. a female: pron. she, her

Hic, n. a snap; a trick

Hiced, n. a trick, cheat

Hicell, n. a long handled bill

Hicio, v. to snap; to trick

Hid, a. aptness to run through

Hidl, a. distilling; shedding: n. a strainer, a colander

Hidlaid, a. distilling, dropping; n. a distilling, a dropping

Hidlion, n. droppings

Hidlo, v. to distil, to run

Hif, n. a skin, a surface

Hifiad, n. the peeling of the skin

Hifio, v. to peel off the skin

Hifyn, n. the strip of skin

Hiff, n. a flake; a drift

Hiffiad, n. a flaking; a drifting

Hiffiant, n. a drift; a foam

Hiffio, v. to cast flakes; to drift

Hifl, n. a gush, a spirt

Hifflaid, Hifflo, to gush, to spirt

Hiffliad, n. a spirting

Hiffyn, n. a flake; a drift

Hil, n. a fragment; emanation; produce; issue; progency

Hilen, n. a bearing female

Hiliad, n. a producing, a generating

Hiliant, n. issue, progenry

Hilig, a. procreate: n. an issue

Hilio, v. to yield, to bring forth, to produce

Hiogaeth, n. offspring, issue

Hiliogi, v. to render prolific

Hilus, a. being in particles

Hilyn, n. a particle, emanation

Hin, n. weather; temperature

Hindda, n. fair weather

Hinio, v. to change the weather

Hiniog, n. a door-frame; a sill

Hinon, n. serene weather

Hinoni, v. to become serene

Hip, n. a sudden tap

Hipiad, n. a tapping, a tipping

Hipio, v. to tap, to tip

Hir, a. long; tedious; dilatory

Hiraeth, n. longing; regret

Hiraethiad, n. a longing

Hiraethlon, a. full of regret

Hiraethog, a. longing

Hiraethol, a. longing; regretting

Hiraethu, v. to long; to regret

Hiraethus, a. longing; regretting

Hirâu, v. to lengthen

Hirbell, a. very far, distant

Hirbwyll, n. deliberate caution

Hirchwedl, n. a long story

Hirder, n. length; longitude

Hirdrig, a. of long tarrying

Hirddydd, n. a long day

Hireinios, n. a long life

Hirfod, n. a long abiding

Hirfryd, a. of even mind

Hirglust, a. long eared

Hirglwyf, n. long-sickness

Hirglyw, a. being long eared

Hirgrwn, n. a cylinder: a cylinderical

Hirgul, a. long and narrow

Hirgwyn, n. a long complaint

Hirgylch, n. an ellipse

Hirhoedl, n. longevity

Hirhoedlog, a. long-lived

Hiriad, n. a lengthening

Hirian, n. a tall lank person

Hiriannu, v. to prolong

Hiriant, n. length, delay

Hirio, v. to lengthen