Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/209

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Hysian, v. to snarl, to set on

Hysigl, a. easily shaking

Hyson, apt to make noise; noisy

Hysp, a. dry, dried up; barren

Hyspu, v. to render dry

Hyspyddiad, n. an exhausting

Hyspyddu, v. to exhaust

Hytrach, a. more forward

Hytynt, n. a course, a journey

Hywad, a. deniable

Hywain, a. aptly ministering

Hywaith, a. ready at work

Hywall, a. apt to fail, fallible

Hywan, a. penetrable

Hywar, a. manageable

Hywedd, a. conformable

Hyweddiad, n. a conforming

Hyweddiant, n. tractableness

Hyweddu, v. to render tractable

Hywel, a. conspicuous, evident

Hywell, a. being remediable

Hywen, a. easily smiling

Hywerth, a. vendible, saleable

Hywir, a. apt to be true

Hywiw, a. apt to be excellent

Hywredd, n. manliness

Hywyl, a. easily perceived

Hywyn, a. aptly impassioned

Hywys, a. convenable

Hywystl, a. easily pledged

I, prep. to; into; towards, for I, pron. I, me, for emphasis

Iâ, n. that is slippery; ice

Iach, a. sound, whole, healthy

Iachâad, n. a healing

Iachaedigaeth, the act of healing

Iachaol, a. of healing quality

Iachau, v. to cure, to heal

Iachawdwr, n. a saviour

Iachawdwriaeth, n. salvation

Iachus, a. healthy; wholesome

Iachuso, v. to render wholesome

Iachusol, of a healthy condition

Iachusrwydd, n. healthiness

Iâd, n. side of the head, pate

Iaedd, n. icy state, iciness

Iaen, n. a sheet of ice

Iain, a. icy, or very cold

Iaith, n. language, speech

Iâl, n. open space or region: a. clear, open, or fair

Ialain, a. of pure quality

Ialant, n. clearness, lustre

Ialedd, n. clearness, fineness

Ialen, n. a sapling; a rod

Iangedd, n. rudeness; rusticity

Iangu, v. to become rude

Iangwr, n. a rude one, a boor

Iâr, n. that stretches over; a shoulder; the female of birds, a hen

Iar, prep. from off, off, from

Iarc, n. that stretches over

Iarcw, n. that directs, a pilot

Iardy, n. a barton, a hen coop

Iarhyd, n. a shoulder-piece

Iarll, n. an earl; a lord

Iarllaeth, n. an earldom

Iarlles, n. an earl’s lady

Iarth, n. a long rod; a goad

Iâs, n. what pervades; mature, disposition; a shock; a shiver

Iasaidd, a. of pervading tendency

Iasawl, a. apt to shock

Iasedd, n. pervading tendency

Iasiad, n. a giving a shock; pervasion

Iasu, v. to pervade with a quality

Iau, n. that is moving; the lungs: junior; a yoke; Jove

Dydd Iau, Thursday: a inceptive of progress; junior

Iawg, n. that is keen or ardent

Iawl, n. the act of glorifying

Iawn, n. right; satisfaction; a right, equitible; just; ad. rightly, or very

Iawnawl, a. of a right tendency

Iawnbwyll, n. right reason

Iawnder, n. rightness; equity