Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/230

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Madalchu, v. to produce agaric

Madarch, n. agaric, toadstool

Madarchen, n. agaric

Madarchu, v. to produce agaric

Mad-ddall, n. a blind-worm

Madedd, n. benefit, goodness

Maden, n. a she fox, a vixen

Madfall, n. a newt, an eft

Madfelen, n. a knapweed

Madgall, n. a lizard

Madiad, n. a benefiting

Madiaeth, a. beneficient, bounteous

Madog, a. tending forward

Madol, a. goodly

Madraidd, a. tending to fester

Madreddiad, n. a putrefying

Madreddol, a. putrefactive

Madriad, n. a producing pus

Madrodd, n. putrid bodies

Madron, n. collection of humours

Madrondod, n. dizziness

Madronu, v. to make dizzy

Madru, v. to putrefy, to fester

Madrudd, n. the marrow

Madruddiad, n. forming of marrow

Madruddo, v. to form marrow

Madruddog, a. having marrow

Madruddyn, n. a vein marrow

Madrwy, n. a newt, an eft

Madryn, n. epithet for a fox

Madu, v. to render productive

Madw, a. tending to benefit

Madws, n. fulness of time

Madyn, n. epithet for a fox

Madywydd, n. the sweetgale

Madd, n. what tends to divest

Maddau, n. dismissal; pardon, v. to let go; to pardon

Maddeuad, n. a pardoning

Maddeuant, n. pardoning

Maddeuedig, a. dismissed; forgiven

Maddeugar, a. disposed to remit

Maddeuol, a. remitting, forgiving

Maddeuwr, n. forgiver, pardoner

Mae, v. is, are

Maedd, n. a buffet

Maeddgen, n. a buffet

Maeddiad, n. a buffetting

Maeddol, a. buffetting, banging

Maeddu, v. to buffet, to bang

Mael, n. gain, profit, advantage, what is worked; iron

Maela, v. to seek for profit

Maelan, n. a shop

Maelawr, Maelfa, n. a mart, a market

Maeldref, n. a market town

Maeldoll, n. the tariff

Maelera, v. to traffic, to trade

Maeleriad, n. a trafficking

Maeleriaeth, n. traffic, trade

Maelged, n. a tribute; a tax, a toll

Maelgi, n. the angel fish

Maeliad, n. a profiting, a gaining

Maeliant, n. advantage, gain

Maelier, n. a trafficker

Maelieres, n. a chap-woman

Maelierwr, n. a merchant

Maelio, v. to profit, to gain

Maelota, v. to gain by traffic

Maelotai, n. a retailer

Maelwr, n. a retailer, a shop-keeper

Maen, n. a block of stone. Maen ehed, a loadstone

Maenan, n. a cob, a soft stone

Maenawr, n. a manor district

Maendo, n. a stone covering

Maendrychiad, n. lithotomy

Maeneiddiad, n. lapidification

Maenfan, n. the beasil of a ring

Maenfedd, n. stone supelchre

Maenglawdd, n. stone quarry

Maeniad, n. a petrifying

Maenol, a. of stone, stony

Maensaer, n. stone mason

Maenu, v. to turn to stone; to stone

Maenydd, n. a lapidary

Maer, n. what tends; a steward, mayor

Maerdref, n. a dairy hamlet

Maerdy, n. a dairy house

Maeres, n. a dairy-woman

Maeron, n. a dairy farmer

Maeronneth, n. dairy farming