Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/236

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Mawsiad, n. a delighting

Mawsiant, n. delectation

Me, n. an agent: pron. he, him

Mebai, n. an infant, a youth

Mebain, a. youthful, juvenile

Mebaint, n. youthfulness

Mebin, a. infantile youthful

Mebyd, n. infancy, childhood

Mebyn, n. a male infant

Mechdeyrn, n. a viceroy, a regent; a lord

Mechnïad, n. a giving surety

Mechnïaeth, n. suretyship

Mechnïaethu, v. to act as bail

Mechnïo, v. to be surety, to bail

Mechnïol, a. relating to bail

Mechnïwr, Mechnïydd, n. a surety, a bail

Mêd, n. what is extended or full

Med, prep. to the full; to, unto

Medel, n. a reaping; a reaping party

Medelwas, Medelwr, n. a reaper

Medi, n. a reaping; the month of September

Medi, v. to reap, to cut corn

Mediad, n. the act of reaping

Medr, n. skill to effect, knowledge to do

Medraeth, n. expertness, skill

Medrawd, n. accomplishment

Medredd, n. expertness, skill

Medriad, n. a being able, a: effecting

Medriant, n. accomplishment

Medrol, a. accomplishing

Medroldeb, n. capability

Medroli, v. to render capable

Medru, v. to exert skill; to know how to do; to be able; to aim

Medrus, a. able to effect, expert

Medrusedd, n. expertness

Medryd, v. to be able to do; to aim

Medd, n. a centre of motion; what causes a turning; utterance; mead; what is possessed, v. (defective) say, sayest, says

Meddal, a. soft, mollient, tender

Meddalâd, n. a softening

Meddalai, n. what softens; mallows

Meddalâu, v. to soften, to mollify

Meddalder, n. softness; mildness

Meddaliad, n. a softening

Meddalu, v. to soften. to mollify

Meddalwch, n. softness. mildness

Meddedig, a. possessed, enjoyed

Meddedigaeth, n. possession

Meddedigol, a. possessory

Meddf, a. soft. mild, mollient

Meddfu, v. to become mild

Meddiad, n. a possessing

Meddiannedigaeth, n. possession

Meddiannedigol, a. possessory

Meddiannol, a. possessing

Meddiannu, v. to possess, to own

Meddiannwr, Meddiannydd, n. a possessor, an owner

Meddiant, n. possession

Meddlys, n. intoxicating herbs

Meddu, v. to be able; to possess

Meddw, a. circling; drunk

Meddwad, n. an intoxicating

Meddwdod, n. drunkenness, intoxication

Meddwi, v. to intoxicate

Meddwl, m. thought, mind: v. to think, to mind; to intend

Meddwol, a. intoxicating

Meddwyn, n. a drunkard

Meddyg, n. a doctor, a physician

Meddyges, n. a doctress

Meddygfys, n. ring finger

Meddygiad, n. a doctoring

Meddygin, a. curative, medicinal

Meddyginiaeth, n. medicine

Meddyginiaethol, a. medicinal, belonging to healing

Meddyginiaethu, v. to cure

Meddygiad, n. a making a cure, a doctoring

Meddyglyn, n. hydromel; mead

Meddygol, a medicinal

Meddygu, v. to doctor, to heal, to cure

Meddygyn, n. what heals; the violet