Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/239

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Menwydig, a. intelligent; blessed

Menwydol, a. intelligent

Menwydus, a. intelligent

Menwyn, n. talent, skill

Menyd, adv. to the place where

Menyn, n. a small spot

Menynu, v. imprint, to dot

Mer, n. what is dropped off or parted; a particle; what is still; what is received

Mêr, n. marrow

Meraidd, a. like marrow

Merch, n. a girl, a woman, a daughter

Merchaidd, a. feminine, female

Mercheta, v. to go a-wenching

Merchetwr, n. a wencher

Merchin, a. towering, rising

Merchyn, n. a little horse

Mercher, n. Mercury. Dydd Mercher, Wednesday

Merddrain, n. dog briars

Merddwfr, n. stagnant water

Mered, n. flatness, dulness

Meredig, a. flattened; stupified

Meredig, a. flat, torpid, dull

Mereiddio, v. to become marrow

Merf, a. insipid, tasteful, flat

Merfdra, n. insipidity, flatness

Merfu, v. to become insipid

Merhelyg, n. sallows

Meriad, n. a dropping down

Merin, a. dropping, trickling

Meriniad, n. a falling in drops

Merino, v. to fall in drops

Merinol, a. dropping, distilling

Merion, n. droppings, drippings

Merl, n. a little pony, a nag

Merlen, n. a little pony

Merlyn, n. a little pony

Merlys, n. a water plant

Meillyd, a. insipid, tasteless

Merllyn, n. a stagnant pool

Merog, a. having marrow

Merol, a. dropping, distilling

Merolaeth, n. flatness; mustiness

Meroli, v. to grow flat; to damp

Meroren, n. a tail, a trail

Merth, n. an exhausted state

Merthiad, n. an exhausting

Merthu, v. to exhaust, to wear out

Merthyr, n. what is open; a martyr

Merthyraeth, n. martyrology

Merthyrdod, n. martyrdom

Merthyriad, n. a martyring

Merthyru, v. to rack; to martyr

Meru, v. to droop; to drop

Merw, a. flaccid; flat; insipid

Merwin, n. numbness, torpidity

Merwinad, n. a benumbing

Merwindod, n. numbness

Merwino, v. to benumb

Merwydd, n. mulberry trees

Merwys, n. ousel, blackbird

Merydd, n. what is sluggish; a plash; sluggard; sea sedge

Meryn, n. a drop, a particle

Merys, n. a medlar tree

Meryw, n. the juniper wood

Mês, n. a portion, acorns

Mesa, v. to gather acorns

Mesen, n. a single acorn

Mesfraint, n. pannage

Mesglyn, n. a shell, a hull

Mesig, a. what may be chewed

Mesigo, v. to masticate, to chew

Mest, n. a portion of food

Mesur, n. measure; rule, metre

Mesur, Mesuro, v. to allot a share; to mete

Mesuradwy, a. measurable

Mesuredigaeth, n. measurement

Mesureg, n. mensuration

Mesuregol, a. geometrical

Mesuriad, n. a measuring

Mesuriaeth, n. mensuration

Mesuriant, n. measurement

Mesurydd, n. measurer

Mettel, n. metal; mettle

Metteliad, n. a turning to metal

Mettelu, v. to burn to metal

Mettelydd, n. a metallurgist

Mettelyddiaeth, n. mettellurgy

Mêth, n. a miss, abortion