Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/24

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Anfuddiol, a. unprofitable

Anfwyn, a. unkind, uncivil

Anfwynhau, v. to cease enjoying

Anfwynder, n. unkindness

Anfyfyrdod, n. unstudiousness

Anfyfyriol, a. inconsiderate

Anfynegol, a. undeclared

Anfynych, a. unfrequent, seldom

Anfywiog, a. inactive

Anfywiogrwydd, n. inanimation

Anffawd, n. misfortune

Anffel, a. not cunning, unwily

Anffodiog, a. unfortunate

Anffodrwydd, n. miscarriage

Anffrwynol, a. unbridled

Anffrwythlawn, a. unfruitful

Anffurfiol, a. deformed

Anffyddlawn, a. unfaithful

Anffyddlondeb, n. unfaithfulness

Anffyniant, n. improsperity

Angad, n. grasp of the hand

Angar, n. receptacle of heat

Angau, n. death

Angawl, a. capacious

Angder, n. capaciousness

Angel, n. an angel

Angell, n. a pinion; an arm

Angen, n. necessity; need; fate or destiny

Angerdd, n. hot steam; heat; strength, force

Angerddol, a. vehement; intense

Angerddoldeb, n. vehemency

Angeuo, v. to render deadly

Angeuol, a. deadly; mortal

Angeuoldeb, n. martality

Anghadarn, a. unpowerful

Anghaëad, a. unshut

Anghaeriad, n. a dismantling

Anghaeth, a. unconfined

Anghaffaeliad, n. non-attainment

Anghaledu, to make inobduratt

Anghaloni, v. to dishearten

Anghall, a. indiscreet

Anghallineb, n. indiscreaon

Anghar, n. unloveliness

Anghariad, n. disaffection

Anghariadus, a. unamiable

Angharu, v. to cease to love

Angharuaidd, a. unlovely

Anghefnogi, v. to discourage

Angheinder, n. inaccuracy

Anghel, a. uncovered; unveiled

Angheledig, a. unconceiled

Anghelfydd, a. unskilful

Anghelfyddyd, n. unskilfulness

Anghelu, v. to reveal

Anghen, n. a destitude state

Anghenfil, n. a monster

Angheniad, n. necessitating

Angheniatâu, v. to disallow

Anghenus, a. necessitious

Anghenoctyd, n. necessitude

Angenrhaid, n. necessity

Anghladd, a. uninterred

Anghlaer, a. not bright; not clear

Anghlod, n. dishonour; dispraise

Anghlodfawr, a. dishonourable

Anghlyd, a. uncomfortable

Anghoel, n. disbelief

Anghoelgar, a. disbelieving

Anghoelio, v. to disbelieve

Anghoeth, a. impure

Anghof, n. forgetfulness

Anghofio, v. to forget

Anghofus, a. forgetful, oblivious

Anghorffol, a. incorporeal

Anghosp, a. without punishment

Anghraff, a. void of sharpness

Anghraifft, n. a pattern

Anghred, n. unbelief

Anghredadwy, a. incredible

Anghredadyn, n. an infidel

Anghrediniaeth, n. unbelief

Anghrediniol, n. incredulous

Anghredu, v. to disbelieve

Anghrefydd, n. impiety

Anghrefyddol, a. irreligious

Anghrist, n. antichrist

Anghroesaw, n. inhospitability

Anghroesawgar, a. inhospitable

Anghroesawu, v. to treat inhospitably

Anghroyw, a. inarticulate

Angrhwn, a. not round

Anghryno, a. incompact

Anghrynodeb, n. incompactness