Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/252

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Ofedd, n. elementary state

Ofer, a. waste, vain, useless, idle

Ofera, v. to waste; to act idly

Oferddyn, n. a dissipated man, a spendthrift

Oferedd, n. frivolity; dissipation

Oferfost, n. a vain boasting

Ofergais, n. a fruitless attempt

Ofergoel, superstition

Oferiaith, n. useless idle talk

Oferlaeth, n. waste milk

Oferwaith, n. a useless work

Oferwas, n. a worthless chap

Oferwr, n. an idler

Oferymgais, n. an idle attempt

Ofiad, n. a decomposing

Ofiannu, v. to render friable

Ofiant, n. a reducing to atoms

Oflyd, a. decomposing, jumble

Ofn, n. fear, dread, timidity

Ofnâd, an intimidation

Ofnadwy, a. terrible, frightful

Ofnâu, v. to become fearful

Ofnedig, a. intimidated, scared

Ofnedd, n. fearfulness

Ofni, v. to fear to terrify

Ofniad, n. a dreading, a fearing, intimidation

Ofnid, n. terror, dread, fear

Ofnog, a. fearful, timorous

Ofnol, a. tending to frighten

Ofnus, a. fearful, timorous

Ofnusrwydd, n. fearfulness

Ofydd, n. philosopher

Ofyddfardd, n. scientific bard

Offeiriad, n. minister, priest

Offeiriadaeth, n. a priesthood

Offeiriadol, a. priestly

Offeiriadu, v. to minister

Offer, n. implements; gear

Offeren, n. sacred service; mass

Offerena, v. to celebrate mass

Offereniad, n. a saying of mass

Offerenol, a. relating to the mass

Offerenu, v. to perform mass

Offerynol, a. instrumental

Offeiriannu, v. to act as agent

Offeru, v. to equip, to furnish

Offeryn, n. instrument, a tool

Offrwm, n. an offering, sacrifice

Offrymiad, n. a sacrificing

Offrymu, v. to sacrifice, to offer

Og, n. what is full of motion or life; youth; a harrow: a. apt to move; youthful

Ogaid, n. a stroke of a harrow

Oged, n. what stirs; a harrow

Ogedu, v. to use a harrow

Ogfaen, n. hip, fruit of briers

Ogi, v. to use the harrow

Ogiad, n. a harrowing

Ogof, n. a cave; a den

Ogotog, a. full of caves

Ongl, n. a corner, an angle

Ongli, v. to make angular

Ongliad, n. forming angles

Onglog, a. having angles

Ohonof, a pronominal preposition, from me, of me, out of me

Oi, v. to proceed; to come forward: interj. well, very well

Oiad, n. an attending; a waiting; a listening

Oian, n. a listening; a waiting

Oianu, v. to listen; to wait

Ol, n. mark, trace; track: a. hindmost.

Olaf, last

Olafiad, n. a successor

Olafiaeth, n. a successorship

Olbrain, n. the herb crowfoot

Ole, n. a ravine

Olew, oil, unction

Olewwydd, n. olive trees

Oliedydd, n. a pricker, in hunting

Olion, n. leavings, refuse

Olp, n. puncture; islet-hole

Olrhain, n. a search after

Olrhead, n. a beagle

Olrheiniad, n. a tracing out

Olrheiniadwy, a. scrutable

Olrheinio, v. to scrutinise

Olrheiniwr, n. a tracer, a scrutiniser

Olwyn, n. a wheel, a trundle

Olwynad, n. a wheeling

Olwyno, v. to wheel