Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/257

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between four; a pinch between the three fingers and the thumb

Pedryliw, n. a perfect colour

Pedrylun, n. a perfect figure

Pedryo, v. to make of four parts

Pedryoli, v. to quadrate

Pedryor, n. a quadrate

Pedryori, v. to quadrate, to square

Pedryran, n. a quadrant

Pedwar, a. four

Pedwaran, n. fourth, quartern, farthing

Pedwarcarn, n. four hoofs: a. four hoofed

Pedwarcarnog, a. four-footed, having, four hoofs

Pedwarcarniad, n. a galloping

Pedwarcarnu, v. to gallop

Pedwardull, n. quadriform

Pedwardyblyg, n. a quadruplicate

Pedwaredd, a. fourth

Pedwariad, n. a quaternion

Pedwariant, n. a quaternity

Pedwarblyg, a. four-fold

Pedwarochrol, a. quadrilateral

Pedwartroed, n. a quadruped

Pedwartroedol, a. four-footed

Pedwerydd, a. fourth; a quartern

Pog, n. agent of expansion; eight bushel measure, a quarter

Pegaid, n. contents of a quarter

Peged, n. a quarter measure

Pegor, n. a pivot; a pert one

Pegori, v. to form a pivot or axis

Pegwn, n. a pivot, pole, or axis

Pegwr, n. a pivot or axis

Pegynol, a. belonging to an axis

Pegynu, v. to form a pivot or axis

Pei, con. if it were, if it should be

Peidiad, n. a ceasing, a desisting

Peidio, v. to cease; to leave off

Peiliad, n. a raying; a displaying

Peilio, v. to spread out; to radiate

Peillged, n. a tribute of flour

Peilliad, n. a bolting

Peillied, n. bolted meal, flour

Peillio, v. to bolt, to searce

Peillion, n. fine flour, powder

Peiniad, n. a yeilding of bloom

Peinio, v. to yield bloom or farina

Peiriannol, a. instrumental

Peiriannoli, v. to render causative

Peiriannu, v. to put in a state to act; to organise; to harness

Pieriant, n. instrument, tool

Peiriannwr, Peiriannydd, n. organizer, harnesser

Peiriwyddiad, n. a verb

Peiriennyn, n. an instrument

Peisgwyn, n. the mapple tree

Peiswyn, n. chaff

Peithas, n. a scout, a scout boat

Peithiad, n. a making clear; a laying open or waste

Peithiant, n. a laying open; a scouting

Peithin, Peithiw, a. being open or plain

Peithio, v. to lay open; to scout

Peithiog, a open, desert, waste

Peithw, a. of plain open aspect

Peithwydd, n. the slay, or the reeds of a loom

Peithyn, n. what is open; open surface; a tile; slay of a loom; a cog

Peithyndo, n. a tiled roof

Peithynen, n. sheet; page; tile

Pel, n. a moving body; a ball

Peled, n. a ball, a bullet

Peledu, v. to throw a ball

Peleidral, n. a pushing of spears

Peleidriant, n. a radiation

Peleidrio, v. to radiate

Pelen, n. a little ball; bullet; pill

Peleniad, n. a forming a ball

Pelenu, v. to form into a ball

Pelgib, n. a racket for a ball

Pelio, v. to ray, to brandish

Pelid, n. radiancy, splendour

Pelu, v. to throw a ball: to ball

Pelyd, n. stockings without feet

Pelydr, n. a ray, a beam

Pelydriad, n. a radiating

Pelydrog, a. radiant, gleaming