Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/265

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Porthordy, n. a porter’s lodge

Porthori, v. to act as porter

Porthoriaeth, n. a porter’s office

Porthwy, n. assistance support

Porthwr, n. a provider, a feeder; a porter

Porthwys, n. a ferryman

Poset, n. curdled milk, posset

Posfardd, n. a preceptive bard

Posiad, n. a questioning, a posing

Posiar, n. a fattened hen

Posio, v. to examine, to pose

Posned, n. a squat; a skillet

Post, n. a post, a pillar

Postio, v. to put up a post

Pot, n. a pot

Potel, n. a bottle; a truss

Poteliad, n. a bottling

Poteli, v. to bottle; to truss

Poten, n. a paunch; a pudding

Potenig, n. a little paunch

Potenog, a. having a paunch

Potenu, v. to form a paunch

Potes, n. a pottage, broth, soup

Potiad, n. a potting; potation

Pot, v. to pot; to pipple

Poth, n. what bulges; a boss

Pothan, n. a bump, a boss; a cub

Pothell, n. a wheal, a blister

Pothellog, a. puffy; blistered

Pothellu, v. to puff; to blister

Pothon, n. a boss; a cub

Powys, n. a state of rest

Prad, n. a gentle spread; a rub

Praff, a. ample; thick round

Praffder, n. thickness round

Praffu, v. thicken in compass

Praidd, n. a flock, a herd; booty, prey

Pianc, n. a frolic, a prank

Prancio, v. to play a prank

Pratiad, n. a stroking, a coaxing

Pratio, v. to stroke, to coax

Praw, Prawf, profion, n. an essay, a trial, a proof

Prawen, n. an essay; a cast in play

Prawfaen, n. a touchstone

Pre, n. the origin of a course

Pred, n. a stray; a migration

Preg, n. a greet, a greeting

Pregeth, n. a sermon

Pregethiad, n. a preaching

Pregethu, v. to preach

Pregethwr, n. a preacher

Preidiad, n. a migrating

Preidio, v. to migrate

Preiddio, n. a herding; predation

Preiddio, v. to herd, to collect a herd; to predate

Preinio, v. to carouse

Praethiad, a practising

Preithig, a. belonging to practice

Preithio, v. to practise

Prelad, n. a prelate

Pren, n. a tree, a timber

Prenfol, n. a wooden chest

Prenial, n. a coffer, a shrine

Prenio, v. to timber; to bar

Prenol, n. a busk of stays

Prensaer, n. a carpenter

Pres, n. what is quick, sharp, or smart; haste; brushwood; fuel; anything streweed; a crib; a place of resort; brass: a. quick, hasty; sharp, over-running, frequent; present

Preseb, n. a crib, a stall

Presel, a place over-run; a brake

Preseliad, n. a yielding of brakes

Preselu, v. to be over-run of foul

Preselyn, n. a brake, a thicker

Presen, n. the present; this wife

Presenol, a. imminent; present

Presenoldeb, n. presence

Presenu, v. to make present

Present, n. a present state

Presiad, n. a hastening: a frequenting

Presol, a. imminent; quick

Prest, n. quickness, smartness

Prest, a. ready, quick; soon

Prestl, a. ready, smart fluent

Prestlaidd, a. apt to prattle

Presu, v. to hasten; to frequent

Preswyl, n. a being present or ready; a tarrying; habitation

Preswylfa, n. a place of residence