Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/27

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Angladd, n. a burial, a funeral

Anglawdd, n. a cemetry

Anglef, n. a hollow noise

Angor, n. an anchor

Angordreth, n. anchorage duty

Angoredig, a. anchored

Angori, v. to anchor

Angoriad, n. an anchoring

Angraddol, a. ungraduated

Angraifft, n. correction; example

Angreddfol, a. degenerative

Angreiddiol, a. unscorching

Angylaidd, a. angelical

Angyles, n. a female angel

Angyliaeth, n. angelic state

Anhad, a. fretful; seedless

Anhaeddiant, n. demerit

Anhaeddol, a. undeserving

Anhael, a. illiberal; mean

Anhaelioni, n. illiberality

Anhaerllugrwydd, n. unfrowardness

Anhalogrwydd, n. undefiledness

Anhallt, a. unsaline, unsalted

Anhanesol, a. unhistorical

Anhanfod, a. non-existent

Anhap, n. mischance, mishap

Anhapus, unfortunate, unhappy

Anhardd, a. unseemly indecent

Anhatru, v. to disarray

Anhawdd, a. uneasy: difficult

Anhawddgar, a. unamiable

Anhawl, n. nonsuit

Anhawsder, n. difficulty

Anhebgor, n. indispensableness

Anheddychol, a. unpacificatory

Anheddychlawn, a. unpeaceful

Anheinyf, not nimble; sluggish

Anhelaeth, a. inextensive

Anheulog, a. not sunny; obscure

Anhidlaid, a. unstrained

Anhiliog, a. destitute of progeny

Anhocedus, a. undeceitful

Anhoddiad, n. indefeasibility

Anhoenus, a. unlively; sluggish

Anhoff, unamiable; undesirable

Anholiadol, a. uninterrogaton

Anholltog, a. uncleft, unsplit

Anhonedig, a. unasserted

Anhoriant, n. want of indulgence

Anhoywder, n. unsprightliness

Anhualu, v. to unfetter

Anhudoliaeth, n. unallurement

Anhuddol, a. unobscured

Anhulio, v. to direst of covering

Anhunanedd, disinterestedness

Anhunedd, n. sleeplessness

Anhwyl, n. indisposition

Anhwylio, v. to distract

Anhwylus, a. out of order

Anhwylusdod, n. obstruction

Anhŷ, a. not bold, bashful

Anhyalledd, n. impossibility

Anhyar, a. not easily ploughed

Anhyawdledd, n. ineloquency

Anhyballedd, n. infallibility

Anhybarch, unworthy of respect

Anhybarthedd, n. indivisibility

Anhyblygrwydd, n. inflexibility

Anhybwylledd, n. imprudence

Anhydawdd, a. undissolvable

Anhyder, n. distrust

Anhyderus, a. distrustful

Anhydòr, a. infrangable

Anhydraeth, a. unuterable

Anhydraidd, a. impenetrable

Anhydraigl, a. undeclinable

Anhydraul, a. indigestible

Anhydrefn, not easily arranged

Anhydrig, a. uninhabitable

Anhydrinedd, n. untractability

Anhydro, a. unconvertible

Anhydwyll, a. undeceivable

Anhydyn, a. obstinate

Anhydynrwydd, n. untractableness

Anhyddadledd, indisputability

Anhyfder, a. inesperienced

Anhyfedrwydd, n. unskilfulness

Anhyfryd, a. unpleasant

Anhyffordd, a. impassable

Anhyfrwyn, a. not easily bridled

Anhygael, a. unattainable

Anhygall, a. not apt to be wary

Anhygar, a. unamiable

Anhygas, a. not execrable, inobnoxious

Anhyglod, a. disreputable