Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/274

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Rhedyna, v. to gather fern

Rhedyneg, n. fern brake

Rhedynen, n. a single fern

Rhedyniach, n. small straggling fern

Rhedynog, a. abounding with fern

Rhedynos, n. small fern brake

Rhedd, n. a joint

Rhef, n. a bundle: a. bundled; thick

Rhefedd, n. thickness about

Rhefiad, n. a thickening

Rheflog, a. blubbering, puffy

Rhefog, n. a bandage, a band

Rhefol, a. thickening; aggregating

Rhefrog, a. large bottomed

Rhefr-rwym, n. costiveness

Rhefu, v. to thicken round

Rhefr, n. the anus, the recum

Rheffyn, n. a small rope

Rheg, n. a present; a curse

Rhegain, v. to keep muttering

Rhegen, n. a screaker; a quail

Rhegi, v. to consign; to curse

Rheglyd, a. give to cursing

Rheng, n. a row, or a rank

Rhengiad, n. setting in a row

Rheiad, n. a radiating

Rheian, n. a streak, a stripe

Rheianu, v. to streak, to stripe

Rheio, v. to radiate, to gleam

Rheibes, n. a witch, a charmer

Rheibiad, n. a bewitching

Rheibiadaeth, n. witchery

Rheibiadu, v. to fascinate

Rheidiadus, a. fascinating

Rheibiaeth, n. rapacity

Rheibiant, n. a forcible possessing

Rheibiedig, a. seized; fascinated

Rheibio, v. to seize, to snatch, to captivate, to bewitch

Rheibiol, a. seizing; bewitching

Rheibioldeb, n. a seized state

Rheibog, n. power of digestion

Rheibus, a. rapacious, greedy

Rheidedd, n. necessity, want

Rheidiannu, v. to necessitate

Rheidiant, n. necessity, need

Rheidio, v. to necessitate; to need

Rheidiol, a. necessary, needful

Rheidioldeb, n. necessariness

Rheidioli, v. to render needful

Rheidus, a. necessitous, needy

Rheidusni, n. neediness, need

Rheiduso, v. to render needy

Rheiddin, a. radiating; profuse

Rheiddio, v. to radiate; to dart

Rheiddyn, n. a dart, a glance

Rheiniad, n. a throwing a lance

Rheinio, v. to throw a lance

Rheitheg, n. canon of speech

Rheithfawr, a. greatly just

Rheithiad, n. a regulation

Rheithiadol, a. canonical

Rheithiadur, n. a regulalor

Rheithio, v. to fix a law

Rheithiol, a. established as law

Rheithioreg, n. rhetoric

Rheithiwr, n. a juryman

Rhelyw, n. a trail; a residue, the rest

Rhem, n. what runs out

Rhemiad, n. a running out: n. a muttering

Rhemmwth, n. a gorbelly; a glutton

Rhemp, n. an excess; frenzy: a. bewitched: crazy

Rhempiad, n. an infatuation

Rhempian, v. to snatch greedily

Rhempio, v. to run to excess

Rhen, n. the supreme, the Lord

Rhenc, n. a row, rank

Rhenciad, n. placing in a row

Rhencio, v. to place in a row

Rhent, n. an income; a rent

Rhentu, v. to get income, to rent

Rheol, n. a rule, an order

Rheolaidd, a. orderly, regalar

Rheoledigaeth, n. regulation

Rheoli, v. to order, to sway

Rheolus, a. orderly, regular

Rheolwr, n. ruler

Rhes, n. a row, a rank

Rhesel, n. a rack, a grate