Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/291

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Tarn, n. a wipe; a drying up

Tarniad, n. absorption

Taro, v. to strike; to affect

Taroden, n. a ringworm

Tarth, n. a vapour, an exhalation

Tarthain, v. to keep exhaling

Tarthog, a. having vapour

Tarthol, a. exhaling vapour

Tarthedigaeth, n. evaporation

Tarthiad, n. an evaporating

Tarthlyd, a. vaporous; foggy

Tarthu, v. to exhale

Tarw, n. what bursts through; a bull

Tarwain, v. to gush; to flutter

Tarwedd, n. pervasion; ferment

Tarweddiad, n. fermentation

Tarweddu, v. to ferment

Tarwhaid, n. second swarm

Tas, n. what binds; a fascia

Tasei, n. sash a fringe; tassel

Taselu, v. to fringe; to tassel

Tasg, n. bond; job; task

Tasgell, n. bandlet, bunch wisk, closet, pantry

Tasgellu, v. to form a whisk

Tasgiad, n. setting a task

Tasigu, v. to job, to task; to start

Tasiad, n. a combining

Taslo, v. to combine; to bundle

Tau, v. to stretch out; to be still: pron. thine

Taw, n. rest, quiet, silence: a. still, quiet, silent: conj. that

Tawch, n. vapour, haze, fog: a. hazy, fogy

Tawchlyd, a. hazy, sultry

Tawd, n. spreading, distension

Tawdd, n. dissolved state: a. melted, dissolved

Tawddlestr, n. a melting pot

Tawedogrwydd, n. taciturnity

Tawedwst, n. a murmuring

Tawel, a. calm, silent, quiet

Taweliad, n. a calming

Tawelu, v. to calm; to grow calm

Tawelwch, n. calmness, serenity

Tawiad, n. a growing silent

Tawl, n. a casting off, a throw, a taking off, a cutting off

Tawlfwrdd, n. draught board

Tawlffon, n. throwing staff, sling

Tawliad, n. a casting

Tawlrym, n. projectile power

Tawlu, v. to cast off, to throw

Te, n. what is spread; tea

Tebedu, v. to render prospective

Tebyg, a similar, like, likely

Tebygol, a. likely, probable

Tebygiad, n. a likening

Tebygiaeth, n. comparison

Tebygiant, n. a similitude

Tebygoldeb, n. likeliness

Tebygoli, v. to make like

Tebygrwydd, n. likelihood

Tebygu, v. to liken, to suppose

Tecâd, n. a rendering fair

Tecâu, v. to make fair

Teclyn, n. an instrument, a tool

Tech, n. a sculk, a lurk

Techiad, n. a sculking, a lurking

Techial, v. to keep sculking

Techu, v. to sculk, to lurk

Tedu, v. to stretch, to distend

Tedd, n. a display, a row

Teddiad, n. a displaying

Teddyf, n. a socket, a hollow

Tefu, v. to spread; to become spread

Têg, a. clear, fair, beautiful

Tegan, n. a bauble; a jewel

Tegâu, v. to make fair

Tegwch, n. fairness, beauty

Tegwedd, a. of fair appearance

Tegwel, a. of fair aspect

Tegychiad, n. an embellishing

Tegychu, v. to embellish

Teng, n. what is tenacious; a. tough

Tengl, n. a girth, a girt

Tengliad, n. a tying a girth

Tenglu, v. to tie with a girth

Teilchion, n. fragments

Teilfforch, n. a dung fork

Teiliad, n. a manuring

Teilig, a. enveloping, covering

Teiliwr, n. dress maker, a tailor

Teilo, v. to spread manure