Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/293

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Terchu, v. to loop, to noose

Teredig, a. clarified, refined

Teredigaeth, n. clarification

Teredd, n. a clarified state

Terfyn, n. extremity, limit

Terfynedigaeth, n. determination

Terfynaf, n. a boundary line

Terfyn-gylch, n. a horizon

Terfyniad, n. a terminating

Terfynol, a. terminating

Terfynoldeb, n. finitness

Terfynu, v. to limit; to end

Terfysg, n. tumult

Terfysgol, a. tumultuous

Terfysgedd, n. tumultuousness

Terfysgiad, n. making a tumult

Terfysglyd, n. apt to be riotous

Terfysgu, v. to raise a tumult

Teri, v. to grow sullen, to sulk

Teriad, n. irritation

Terica, v. to irritate, to rut

Terig, a. ardent; harsh; rutting

Terigiad, n. a making ardent

Term, n. crisis; term

Termio, v. to term; to tipple

Termudo, v. to grow silent

Termudrwydd, n. taciturnity

Tern, a. ardent, vehement

Terniad, n. a moving ardent

Terogen, n. female miser

Terogi, v. to be full of avidity

Têru, v. to clear, to refine

Teru, v. to pout, to sulk

Terwyn, a. ardent, fervent

Terwynder, n. vehemency

Terwyniad, n. a growing ardent

Terwynu, v. to grow ardent

Teryddiad, n. a grewing ardent

Teryg, n. what is clotted; crust

Terylliad, n. a glancing ardently

Tes, n. sunshine, warmth, heat

Tesach, n. heat; wantonness

Tesaint, n. a teeming with heat

Tesiad, n. a dispensing of heat

Tesog, a. sunny, hot, close, sultry

Testun, n. theme, subject, text

Testuno, v. to set a theme

Teth, n. a teat, a dug, a pap

Tethan, n. a small teat

Tethog, a. having teats

Tethu, v. to grow to a teat

Teulu, n. family, tribe

Teuluaeth, n. domestic society

Teuluaidd, a. domestic, familiar

Teuluedd, n. familiarity

Teulueiddio, v. to domesticate

Teuluwriaeth, n. domestic order

Teuluyddes, n. a housewife

Tew, a. thick, fat, plump

Tewâd, n. a thickening

Tewâu, v. to thicken, to fatten

Tewder, n. thickness; fatness

Tewdws, a. thickly collected

Tewi, v. to keep silent

Tewlyd, a. apt to grow thick

Tewychiad, n. a thickening

Tewychiant, n. thickeness

Tewychu, v. to thicken

Tewyn, n. a firebrand

Teyrn, n. a sovereign

Teyrnas, n. a kingdom

Teyrnasiaeth, n. a reign

Teyrnasol, a. of a kingdom; regnant

Teyrnasu, v. to reign

Teyrnedd, n. a monarchy

Teyrn-ged, n. a tribute

Teyrnogaeth, n. a kingly office

Teyrnoldeb, n. regality

Teyrnwialen, n. a sceptre

Ti, n. what is in; what is distinct: pron. thee, thou

Tib, Tic, n. a particle, a bit

Ticiad, n. a forming particles

Ticial, v. to drain in drops

Ticyn, n. a particle, a scrap

Tid, n. a draught chain

Tidian, n. a chaining

Tidmwy, n. a tether, a tie

Tidmwyad, n. a tethering

Ting, n. a crindle; a tingle

Tingo, v. to crindle, to flinch; to tingle

Til, n. a minute particle

Tiliad, n. a very small fry

Tim, n. a little, a scrap

Timyn, n. a little bit, a scrap