Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/297

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Traethawd, n. a treatise

Traetheg, n. a declamation

Traethell, n. a sand bank

Traethiad, n. a treating

Traethodyn, n. a kind of verse

Traethu, v. to relate; to treat

Traf, n. a strain: a stir; a scour

Trafael, extreme effort: travail

Trafaelu, v. to travel, to toil

Trafaes, n. stir, bustle; pains

Trafel, n. press; hatchel

Traflwnc, n. a guzzle, a gulp

Traflyncu, v. to guzzle, to gulp

Trafniad, n. a ranging; a revolving

Trafnid, n. a range; a turn, a change

Trafnidaeth, n. commerce, business

Trafnidio, v. to exchange

Trafnidiol, a. commercial

Trafnig, a. mutable, declineable

Trafnoldeb, n. mutableness

Trafnu, v. to range; to revolve

Trafod, n. a stirring, bustle

Trafodaeth, n. act of stirring, a bustling, an intermeddling, a transaction

Trafodi, v. to stir; to bustle, to strive, to intermeddle

Trafodus, a. stirring, bustling

Trafolio, v. to gormandise

Trafu, v. to stir, to scour

Trafyn, a stir, a bustle, a range

Traff, n. a strewing, a scattering

Trafferth, n. business, bustle

Trafferthu, v. to bustle, to toil

Trafferthus, a. bustling

Traffiad, n. a spreading, a strewing

Traffaith, a. very confused

Traffu, v. to strew, to scatter

Trag, adv. beyond, beside

Tragor, n. superabundance

Tragori, v. to transcend

Tragoriaeth, n. transcendency

Tragoroldeb, n. superexcellence

Tragoroliad, n. a transcending

Tragoruchder, n. supereminence

Tragwael, a. extremely frail

Tragwerth, n. over value

Tragwiw, a. most excellent

Tragwers, n. extreme heat

Tragfyth, adv. beyond this world

Tragfythol, adv. eternally

Tragywydd, a. everlasting

Tragwyddol, a. everlasting

Tragwyddoldeb, n. eternity

Tragwyddoli, v. to eternise, to immortalise

Traha, n. presumption

Trahâu, v. to become arrogant

Trahâus, a. arrogant, haughty

Trahâusder, n. presumption

Trai, n. decrease; ebb tide

Traidd, n. a pierce; a strait

Traig, n. what tends over

Traigl, n. turn, revolution

Traill, n. trial, draught, turn

Trais, n. rapine ravishment

Traith, n. expression, treatise

Trallod, n. adversity, affliction

Trallodiad, n. an afflicting

Trallodol, a. afflicting, vexing

Tramgwydd, n. a downfall

Tramgwyddo, v. to tumble

Tramgwyddol, a. slumbling

Tramoli, v. to praise to excess

Tramor, a. tranmarine; foreign

Tramori, v. to pass over sea

Tramp, n. a ramble, a stray

Trampio, v. to ramble

Tramwy, n. a going about

Tramwyo, v. to go about

Tramwyol, a. traversing

Tran, n. space, stretch, district

Tranc, n. cessation; end

Tranced, n. a cup with a handle

Trancedig, a. perished; ended

Trancell, n. a single draught

Trancol, a. perishing; ended

Trancu, v. to perish, to die

Tranial, n. field of battle

Tranoeth, adv. on the morrow

Traphlith, adv. in a confused state

Trâs, n. kindred, affinity

Traserch, n. dotage, fondness

Traserth, a. extremely steep