Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/302

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Trumiog, a. ridged, coped

Trus, n. a ward, a guard

Trusi, n. what is a guard

Trusiad, n. a ward, a bulwark

Trusio, v. to ward, to guard

Truth, a. wheedling, fawning

Truthad, n. a wheedling

Truthan, n. a wheedler

Truthiad, n. a sycophant, a flatterer

Truthio, v. to weedle

Trw, n. a whirl; a pervasion: prep. through, by

Trwb, n. what is rubbed

Trwc, n. a turn; a truck

Trwca, n. a bowl, a cup

Trwcwl, n. a trundle; a truckle

Trwch, n. a cut; a section; thickness

Trwl, n. pack, cushion

Trwliad, n. a rolling up

Trwlian, v. to roll together

Trwlio, v. to bundle, to roll

Trwlyn, n. a squabby thing

Trwm, a. heavy, weighty; sad

Trwn, n. a circie

Trwnc, n. urine, lie, stale

Trwodd, adv. through

Trwpa, n. tub, hod, trollop

Trws, n. covering, dress

Trwsglyn, n. a burgler

Trwsgl, a. clumsy, bundling

Trwsiad, n. a dressing; dress

Trwsiadu, v. to clothe, to dress

Trwsiadus, a. dressed, decked

Trwsio, v. to dress, to deck

Trwst, n. noise, rustling

Trwstan, a. clumsy; unlucky

Trwstaneiddio, v. to become clumsy

Trwstaneiddwch, Trwstanwch, n. clumsiness

Trwth, n. what tends to expand

Trwy, n. a pass through: prep. though; by means of

Trwyad, n. permeation

Trwyadl, a. alert, smart, lively

Trwyadledd, n. sprightliness

Trwyadlu, v. to act alertly

Trwyd, n. a bursting through

Trwyddad, n. a bursting through

Trwydo, v. to burst through

Trwydol, bursting, penetrating

Trwydd, n. a passing through: prep. through; by

Trwydded, n. a pass, a passport, a licence, a fare, a reception

Trwyddedog, a. having licence

Trwyddedogi, v. to give free passage

Trwyddedu, v. to pass freely

Trwyddo, v. to pass through; to bore

Trwyll, n. a swivel, a ring

Trwylliad, n. a swivelling

Trwyllo, v. to swivel; to troll

Trwyn, n. a point; a snout, a nozzle, a nose

Trwynswch, n. tip of the nose

Trwyo, prep. through: adv. through

Trwyogaeth, n. pervasion

Trwyogi, v. to make pervasive

Trwyth, n. a solvent; lie; decoction

Trywytho, v. to steep in lie

Trwythi, n. a menstrum; lie

Trwythiad, n. a steeping in lie

Try, n. aptness to pass through or over

Tryad, n. a pervasion

Tryal, n. a homestead

Tryarllais, a. of stunning voice

Tryawch, n. magnetism

Tryb, n. a blended state

Trybaeddiad, n. a wallowing

Trydaeddu, v. to wallow, to daub

Trybed, n. support; brand iron

Trydedd, n. a support; a trivet

Trybeddu, v. to set firmly

Trybelid, a. perspicuous, clear

Trybest, n. commotion, bustle

Trybestu, v. to bluster, to bustle

Tryboethi, v. to heat through

Tryboli, v. to huddle; to wallow

Trybylog, a. dull

Tryciad, n. a dragging, a trailing heavily

Trycio, v. to flag, to fail

Trych, n. an opening; a scope