Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/317

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Ysgien, n. a slicer; a cymetar; turner’s lathe; tall woman

Ysgil, n. a recess, a nook

Ysgiliad, n. a setting behind

Ysgilio, v. to set behind

Ysgin, n. a skin robe, a pelisse

Ysgip, n. a quick snatch

Ysgipiad, n. a snatching off

Ysgipio, v. to snatch away

Ysgipiol, a. snatching

Ysgiw, n. a screen, a settle; a third cousin

Ysgiwiad, n. a sheltering

Ysgiwio, n. to screen, to shelter

Ysg awring, Ysgrawling, n. glue, cement

Ysglawringo, v. to glue

Ysglem, n. a slice, a sliver

Ysglemio, v. to slice, to sliver

Ysglen, n. a sex, a kind

Ysglenol, a. sexual

Ysglent, n. a slide; adrift

Ysglyn, n. a knob, a knot

Ysglino, v. to form a knob

Ysglöen, n. a damsel, a maid

Ysglofen, n. a slip, a spray

Ysglyf, n. what seeks for prey

Ysglyfaeth, n. depredation; prey, spoil

Ysglyfaethiad, n. a depredating

Ysglyfaethu, v. to depredate, to spoil

Ysglyfiad, n. a depredator

Ysglyfio, v. to depredate, to prey on

Ysglymu, v. to form a knot

Ysgoad, n. a starting aside

Ysgoegyn, n. a coxcomb

Ysgog, n. motion, stir

Ysgogi, v. to wag, to stir

Ysgogiad, n. a wagging, a stirring

Ysgogyn, n. to flutterer

Ysgol, n. a school: n. a peak; a ladder: a. vehement, active

Ysgoläig, n. a scholar

Ysgoleigdod, n. scholarship

Ysgolelgiaeth, n. a schooling

Ysgoleigio, v. to school

Ysgolfaer, n. a proctor

Ysgoliad, n. a schooling

Ysgolp, n. a spar

Ysgor, n. a rampart, a bulwark

Ysgorfa, n. a place of defence

Ysgori, v. to encircle, to hem

Ysgoriad, n. an entrenching

Ysgornio, v. to scorn, slight

Ysgoth, n. a purge, a voidance

Ysgothfa, n. privy-house

Ysgrad, n. what is rigid or stiff

Ysgraell, Ysgraen, n. the sea swallow

Ysgraf, n. what scrapes off

Ysgrafell, n. a scraper; a rasp; a currycomb

Ysgrafellu, v. to rasp, to scrape

Ysgrafiad, n. a scraping

Ysgrafu, v. to scrape, to grate

Ysgraf, n. a ferry boat, a ferry

Ysgraffiniad, n. a scarifying

Ysgraffinio, v. to scarify

Ysgrain, n. what is crawling

Ysgrawen, n. a hard crust

Ysgrech, n. a scream

Ysgrechiad, n. a shrieking

Ysgrechian, v. to keep screaming

Ysgrechio, to scream, to shriek

Ysgrechog, n. a jay

Ysgrepan, n. a wallet, a scrip

Ysgri, n. a shriek, a scream

Ysgrif, n. a notch; a writing

Ysgrifen, n. a piece of writing

Ysgrifeniad, n. a writing

Ysgrifenu, v. to write, to pen

Ysgrifenydd, n. a scribe, a writer

Ysgnfiad, n. a writing

Ysgrifo, v. to notch; to write

Ysgrifwas, n. a clerk

Ysgrogell, n. a draw bridge

Ysgrubliad, Ysgrubl, n. a beast, a brute

Ysgrud, n. a frame; a skeleton

Ysgrwd, n. a carcase

Ysgrwth, n. a heap, a bulk

Ysgryd, n. a shiver, a shake

Ysgrydiad, n. a shivering

Ysgrythyr, n. the scripture

Ysgrythyrol, a. scriptural

Ysgub, n. a sheaf; a besom