Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/319

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Yspigod, n. a spinkle; a spiggot

Yspigoglys, n. spinage

Yspil, n. a dribblet, a mite

Yspincyn, n. a finch

Yspin-glairch, n. a bridegroom

Yspinog, n. the quinsy

Ysplan, a. bright, splendid

Ysplenydd, n. splendour

Ysponc, n. a jerk; a smack

Ysponciad, n. a smacking

Ysponcio, v. to smack; to jet

Ysporion, n. refuse of fodder

Ysporthen, n. a basket, a pannier

Ysporthi, v. to support

Ysporthiant, n. sustenance

Yspwng, n. light tuft; sponge

Yspwysiad, n. impression

Yspydd, n. a jut or run out

Yspyddad, n. hawthron

Yssig, a. shattered, bruised

Yssigdod, n. contusion

Yssigiad, n. a crushing, a bruising

Yssigo, v. to bruise, to shatter, to crush; to quell

Ystac, n. a heap, a stack

Yspaciad, n. a stacking

Ystacio, v. to pile, to heap

Ystad, n. a state, a condition

Ystadaeth, n. statistics

Ystaen, n. stain; tin: a. stained

Ystaeniad, n. a staining; a tinning

Ystafell, n. a chamber, a room

Ystafellog, a. having a room

Ystafellu, v. to form a room

Ystafellydd, n. a chamberlain

Ystafellyddes, n. a chambermaid

Ystagiad, n. a suffocation

Ystagu, v. to suffocate, to choke

Ystang, n. a perch in measure

Ystalm, n. a good while

Ystalu, v. to form a stock

Ystalwyn, n. a stallion

Ystanc, n. a holdfast, a bracket, a wooden book. Ystanc ceffyl, a horse-block

Ystanciad, n. a bracketing

Ystancio, to stanch; to bracket

Ystarn, n. a packsaddle, a saddle

Ystarnwr, n. a saddler

Ystefaig, n. the palate

Ysteinio, v. to cause a spread

Ystel, n. what stretches out

Ystelc, n. a lurk; a loiter

Ystelciad, n. lurking; a loitering

Ystelcian, v. to lurk; to loiter

Ystellff, n. a blockhead

Ystellffu, v. to render rigid

Ysteliad, n. a straining out

Ystem, n. a base, a stem

Yster, n. what is ardent

Ysteraig, a. ardent

Ysterciad, n. a jerking out

Ystercian, v. to be jerking

Ystercio, v. to jerk out

Ysterlewyn, n. radiation

Ystern, n. what is ardent: a. of ardent tendency

Ysteru, v. to render ardent

Ystid, n. what forms a wreath

Ystido, v. to form a wreath

Ystig, a. strenuous, perserving

Ystigo, v. to act strenuously

Ystle, n. a fight, a retreat

Ystlen, n. a sex, a kind

Ystlenol, a. sexual, kindred

Ystlom, n. excrement, ordure

Ystlomi, v. to void ordure

Ystlum, n. a bat, a bird

Ystlwn, n. connection, a kind

Ystlwyd, a. of a hoary hue

Ystlwyn, n. a luxuriant grove

Yslyned, n. society; kindred

Ystlyniad, n. a forming society

Ystlyniol, a. being associated

Ystlynu, v. to associate

Ystlys, n. a side, a flank

Ystlysgam, a. being lop-sided

Ystlysol, a. lateral, sided

Ystlysu, v. to go to one side

Ystod, n. a course; a layer; a swathe

Ystodi, v. to dispose a course range, layer, or swathe

Ystodiad, n. a laying of a course

Ystofen, n. a warping tray