Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/44

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Barddol, a. bardic

Barddawr, n. bardic genius

Barddes, n. a female bard

Barddonol, a. poetical

Barddoneg, n. bardic lore

Barddoniaeth, bardism, poetry, the science of poetry

Barddonïaidd, a. that is after the bardic manner

Barf, n. a beard; whiskers

Barfiad, n. a bearding

Barfle, n. crest of a helmet

Barfog, a. bearded: the fin fish; the lesser wood-chat, a bird

Barfogyn, n. a barbel

Barfu, v. to beard, to grow into a beard

Barfwr, a. barber, a shaver

Bargod, n. jut; skirt; eaves

Bargodi, v. to overhang

Bariaeth, n. viciousness

Baril, n. a barrel, a cask

Barilaid, n. a barrelful

Barilan, n. a small barrel

Barilo, v. to barrel

Barlen, n. the lap

Barn, n. judgment

Barnedig, a. judged; condemned; sentenced

Barnedigaeth, n. judgment

Barniad, n. a judging

Barnol, a. that is judging, o castingr

Barnu, v. to judge, to condemn

Barnwr, n. a judge

Barnydd, n. a judge

Baron, n. a chief, a baron

Baroniaeth, n. a barony

Barog, a. ireful: n. a spur

Barth, n. ground floor: floor

Barug, n. a rime, hoar

Barugiad, n. casting a rime

Barugo, v. to cast a hoar

Barus, v. vicious, mischievious

Bâs, n. a shallow, a shoal: a. shallow; low, flat

Basaidd, a. shallowish

Basdardd, n. a bastard

Basdarddes, n. female bastard

Basdarddiad, n. bastardising

Basdarddiaeth, n. bastardy

Basdarddio, v. to bastardise

Basdarddu, v. to spring from a base origin

Basder, n. shallowness

Basg, n. plaiting, basket work

Basged, n. a basket

Basgedaid, n. a basketful

Basgedog, a. having a basket

Basgedol, a. basketted

Basgedwr, n. a basket maker

Basiad, n. a shallowing

Basu, v. to make shallow

Batel, drawing a bow; battle; combat, a fight

Batelu, v. to draw a bow; to battle, to war, to fight

Bath, n. a likeness or emblem; a copy; a coin

Bathdy, n. a mint

Bathedig, a. coined; stamped

Batheinio, to stamp effigies

Bathell, n. a small coin

Bathiad, n. coining; coinage

Bathodyn, n. a medal

Bathog, a. having coin; monied

Bathol, a. that is coined

Bathor, n. a dormouse

Bau, n. boof

Bauad, n. bearer of a saw-pit

Baw, n. dirt, mire; excrement

Bawaidd, a. dirty, vile; sordid

Bawd, n. a thumb, a toe

Bawdŷ, n. necessary-house

Bawdd, n. a drowning

Bawddyn, n. a dirty fellow

Bawlyd, a. dirty, miry, nasty

Be, conj. mutation of Pe

Bechan, n. a little female; a. little, small

Bechgynos, n. little boys

Bechyn, n. a small hook

Bed, n. a state of inaptiness

Bedlemod, n. strollers

Bedw, n. the birch

Bedwen, n. a birchen

Bederw, n. a birch grove