Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/47

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Blifyn, n. a ball, a bullet

Blin, a. tired; troublesome

Blinder, n. fatigue; trouble

Blinderog, a. fatigued

Blinderus, a. tiresome, tired

Blinedig, a. troubled; disturbed; wearied

Blinfyd, n. tribulation

Bling, n. flaying, a strip

Blingiad, n. a flaying

Blingo, v. to excoriate, to flay

Blingwr, n. flayer

Blino, v. to trouble; to tire

Blinwr, n. disturber

Blisg, n. shells, husks

Blisgiad, n. a shelling

Blisgo, v. to shell, to husk

Blisgyn, n. shell, husk

Blith, n. milk: a. milch

Blithog, a. giving milk

Blodau, n. blossoms, flowers

Bloden, n. floweret

Blodeuad, n. flowering

Blodeulyd, a. flowered, mothery

Blodeuo, v. to flourish; to flour

Blodeuog, a. bloomy, flowery

Blodeuogrwydd, n. floweriness

Blodeuol, a. flowering

Blodeuwr, n. a florist

Blodeuwydd, n. flowering trees

Blodeuyn, n. a flower

Blodio, v. to make meal

Blodiog, a. farinaceous

Blodiwr, n. a mealman

Blodwaith, n. meal dust

Blodwraig, n. meal woman

Blodwy, a. mellow

Blodyn, n. floweret, flower

Bloddest, n. a rejoicing

Bloddestu, v. to make rejoicing

Bloedd, n. a shout

Bloeddfawr, a. vociferous

Bloeddgar, a. apt to vociferate

Bloeddian, v. to keep shouting

Bloeddio, v. to shout

Bloeddiol, a. shouting, bawling

Bloeddiwr, n. shouter

Bloen, n. a floweret

Bloesg, n. a broken noise: a lisping, faltering

Bloesgedd, n. a lisping

Bloesgi, v. to falter, to lisp

Bloesgni, n. a lisping

Bloesgwr, n. a lisper

Bloffi, v. to mingle, to jumble

Bloneg, n. lard, grease

Blonegen, n. the leaf, or caul that covers the stomach

Blota, v. to meal; to beg meal

Blotai, n. a begger of meal

Bloteiaeth, n. a mealing

Blotty, n. meal house

Blöyn, n. blossom

Blwch, n. box

Blwng, n. angry look: a. surly

Blwth, n. a blast, a puff

Blwydd, n. a year; a budding

Blwyddiad, n. a yearling

Blwyddol, a. yearly, annual

Blwyddyn, n. a year

Blychaid, n. a box full

Blychu, v. to put in a box

Blychyn, n. a small box

Blydd, a. soft, tender; sappy

Blyddiad, n. a rising of sap

Blynedd, n. a year

Blyneddol, a. yearly, animal

Blyngu, v. to grow angry

Blingder, n. a ruffled temper

Blyngu, v. to frown; to ruffle

Blys, n. a longing, a craving

Blysgar, a craving

Blysiad, n. a longing

Blysig, a. voluptuous

Blysigrwydd, n. voluptuousness

Blysion, n. dainties

Blysio, v. to lust, to long

Blythar, n. a belch

Blytheiriwr, n. a belcher

Bo, v. may be: interj. bo: n. a bugbear, a scarecrow

Bocsach, n. vaunting

Bocsachu, v. to vaunt

Bocsachwr, n. bragger

Boch, n. chop, cheek

Bochaid, n. a chop full