Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/50

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Brasâu, v. to grow fat

Brasbwyth, n. basting-stitch

Brasbwythwr, n. a baster

Brasder, n. fatness, grossness

Braslïain, n. coarse linen

Braslun, n. a rough-cast

Brasnaddu, v. to rough hew

Brasu, to make gross or rough

Brasweithio, v. to rough work

Brat, n. a piece, clout, rag

Bratiog, n. clouted, ragged

Brâth, n. a bite, stab, sting

Brathedig, a. bitten; wounded

Brathiad, n. a stabbing, biting

Brathol, a. stabbing, biting

Brathu, v. to sting, to bite

Brau, a. brittle, frail; frank

Braw, n. terror, fright

Brawd, n. a fellow, brother

Brawd, n. judgment, sentence

Brawdfaeth, n. a fostering

Brawdgarwch, n. brotherly love

Brawdio, v. to give a verdict

Brawdladdiad, n. fratricide

Brawdle, n. judgment seat

Brawdol, a. brotherly

Brawdoliaeth, n. fraternity

Brawdoldeb, n. brotherliness

Brawdwr, n. a judge, a judger

Brawddeg, n. a sentence

Brawddegol, a. sentential

Brawl, n. a swell out, a boast

Brawn, n. a fatness, richness

Brawychiad, n. a terrifying

Brawychu, v. to terrify

Brawychus, a. terrific

Brawychwr, n. a terrifier

Breccini, n. despumation

Breci, n. wort, sweet wort

Brech, n. an eruption, a pox; a. brindled, freckled

Brechdan, n. bread and butter

Brechlyd, a. pocky; measly

Brechog, a. pocky; measled

Bredych, n. prodition

Bref, n. a lowing; a bleat

Brefai, n. pennyroyal

Brefan, n. a lump of butter

Brefant, n. a windpipe

Breferad, n. a bellowing

Brefiad, n. a lowing; a bleating

Brefu, v. to low; to bleat

Breg, n. a rupture, a fissure

Bregedd, n. fragrility, frailty

Bregol, a. fragile, brittle

Bregu, v. to become fragile

Bregus, a. broken; fractious

Bregyn, n. a grain of malt

Breiad, n. a topping; a rippling

Breichiad, n. an arm-full

Breichdlws, n. a bracelet

Breichell, n. a sleeve

Breichiad, n. using of the arms

Breichiol, a. brachial

Breichled, n. a bracelet

Breichrwy, n. a bracelet

Breila, n. a rose; a wild rose

Breilw, n. a rose

Breiniad, n. enfranchisement

Breinio, v. to give privilege

Breiniog, a. privileged: free

Breiniol, a. privileged; free

Breiniolaeth, enfranchisement

Breinioli, v. to enfranchise

Breiniolwr, n. a dignifier

Breintlys, n. privilege court

Breintlythyr, n. letters-patent

Breing, n. the commonalty

Breisgiad, n. a growing bulky

Breisgion, n. hurds, refuse

Breithell, n. what is of varied texture; a cawl; a conflict

Breithred, n. a conflict

Bremian, a. puffing, farting; v. to puff; to fart

Brenig, n. limpets

Brenin, n. a sovereign; a king

Breninbysg, n. king fish

Brenindod, n. royalty

Brenindy, n. a king’s house

Brenines, n. a queen

Breninesol, a. queenly

Breninfraint, n. royal privilege or prerogative

Breniniaeth, n. a kingdom

Breninlys, n. a king’s court