Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/68

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Clorianwr, a. a weigher

Clorio, v. to put on a cover

Cloriog, a. having a lid or cover

Cloryn, n. a small lid or cover

Clos, n. a pair of breeches

Clôs, a. compact, neat, tidy

Closyn, n. a pair of breeches

Clöyn, n. a boss, the eye-ball

Clöynu, v. to emboss, to stud

Clud, n. any sort of carriage

Cludadwy, a. portable

Cludai, n. a carriage

Cludeiriad, n. a forming a heap

Cludeirio, v. to heap, to pile

Cluder, n. a heap, a pile

Cludfa, n. a carrying place

Cludiad, n. a bearing

Cludo, v. to carry, to heap

Cludydd, n. a porter, a bearer

Cludd, n. an overwhelming

Clug, n. a mass; the mumps

Clugiar, n. a partridge

Clugio, v. to squat; to perch

Clun, n. a hip, a haunch

Clunhecian, v. to limp

Clunlaes, a. a hipshot, limping

Clunwst, n. the sciatica

Clust, n. an ear; a handle

Clust-dlws, n. an ear-ring

Clusten, n. an auricle

Clustfeiniad, n. a pricking the ears; a listening

Clustfeinio, v. to prick up the ears; to listen closely

Clustfyddar, a. deaf-eared

Clustgyfaddef, n. auricular confession

Clustiog, a. having ears

Clustiol, a. auricular

Clustlipa, a. flap-eared

Clustog, n. a cushion, a pillow

Clustogan, n. a cushionet

Clustogi, v. to cushion

Clwc, m. a clucking: a. tender, soft to the touch

Clwcian, v. to cluck

Clwn, n. a knot, a tie

Clwpa, n. a knob, a club

Clws, a. compact, neat, trim

Clwt, n. a piece; a patch

Clwtyn, n. a small patch; a rag; a clout

Clwyd, n. plaited work, a hurdle; a roost

Clwyden, n. a hurdle; a flake

Clwydedig, a. hurdled, wattled

Clwydo, v. to wattle, to hurdle

Clwyf, n. a disease; a wound

Clwyfiad, n. to a sickening; a wounding

Clwyfo, v. to sicken; to wound

Clwyfol, a. sickening, wounding

Clwyfus, a. sickly; wounded

Clwys, n. a close, an inclosure

Clwys-dŷ, n. a cloister house

Clybod, n. the hearing

Clyd, a. sheltering, comfortable

Clydach, n. a sheltered glade

Clydo, v. to render comfortable

Clydrwydd, n. comfortableness; a sheltered state

Clydwr, n. shelter; refuge

Clymiad, n. a knotting, a tying

Clymog, a. knotty; entangled

Clymu, v. to knot, to tie

Clyryn, n. a hornet, a gad fly

Clysu, v. to make compact

Clytiad, n. a patching

Clytio, v. to patch, to piece

Clytiog, a. patched; ragged

Clytwaith, n. patch-work

Clyw, n. the sense of hearing

Clywed, v. to hear

Clywedig, a. audible

Clywedigaeth, n. the hearing

Clywedog, a. sonorous

Clywiadur, n. a hearer

Cna, n. a knob, a door-button

Cnaif, n. a crop, a shearing

Cnap, n. a knob; a button

Cnapen, n. a knob; a bowl

Cnapio, v. to form knobs

Cnapiog, a. knobbed, knappy

Cnapiogrwydd, a. ruggedness

Cnawd, n. human flesh

Cnawdio, v. to incarnate