Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/76

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Croengyrchu, v. to wrinkle a skin

Croeni, v. to skin, to skin over

Croeniad, n. a skinning

Croes, n. a cross; a crucifix: a. cross, transverse

Croesaw, n. a welcome

Croesawgar, a. hospitable

Croesawiad, n. a welcoming

Croesawl, a. transversial

Croesawu, v. to welcome

Croesawus, a. hospitable

Coesdroi, v. to contort

Croesdynu, v. to contend

Croesen, n. a coquette; a jilt

Croesffon, n. a cross staff

Croesffordd, n. a cross road

Croesgynghanedd, n. alliterative consonancy

Croeshoeliad, n. crucifixion

Croeshoelio, v. to crucify

Croesi, v. to cross, to put across

Croesiad, n. a crossing

Croesineb, n. crossness

Croeslath, n. a purlin

Crog, n. a cross, a crucifix; a. hanging, overhanging

Crogadwy, a. that may be hung

Crogbren, n. a gallows

Crogedyf, n. a dropwort

Crogell, n. a place to hang meat

Crogen, n. a gill; a jaw

Crogi, v. to hang, to suspend

Crogiad, n. a hanging

Croglath, n. a springe

Croglen, n. a hanging; a curtain

Croglith, n. the mass of the cross

Crogwr, n. a hangman

Crom, a. bending, boughed

Cromen, n. a dome, a cupola

Cromglwyd, n. a thatch hurdle

Crombill, n. the craw, crop or gorge of a bird

Cromilaid, n. a crop full

Cromlech, n. an incumbent flag, a stone of covenant

Cron, a. round, circular

Cronbleth, n. a bobbin

Cronnel, a. a globule; a globe

Cronellog, a. globular

Cronellu, v. to glomerate

Cronen, n. a globe, a sphere

Cronfa, n. a receptacle; a dam

Cronglwyl, n. a roof hurdle

Croni, v. to board, to dam

Croniad, n. a damming

Cropa, n. a crop, or a craw

Cropiad, n. a creeping

Cropian, v. to creep, to crawl

Cropiedydd, n. a creeper

Crotawg, a. plump, round

Croten, n. a little plump girl

Croth, n. a bulge; a womb

Crothawg, gibbous; big-bellied

Crothell, n. a bulge; a bansticle

Crothi, v. to bulge, to swell

Croyw, a. clear; brisk; fresh

Croywder, n. freshness

Croywi, v. to freshen; to brisk

Cru, n. a hollow rotundity

Crub, n. a swelling out

Crud, n. a cover, a case

Crug, n. a heap, a tump

Crugo, v. to heap, to swell

Crugog, a. having heaps

Crugdardd, n. a pustule

Crugdarddu, v. to imposthumate

Crugiad, n. a heaping up

Crugyll, n. a place of tumps

Crugyn, n. a small heap

Crygynu, v. to pile, to heap

Crygynog, a. full of tumps

Crwb, n. a round hunch

Crwbach, n. a hook, a crook

Crwban, n. a tortoise

Crwc, n. a bucket, a pail

Crwca, a. crooked, bowed, bent

Crwcau, v. to bow, to curve

Crwcwd, n. a round squat

Crwm, a. bending, concave

Crwmach, n. convexity

Crwn, a. round, circular

Crwt, n. a crust; a dumpy one

Crwtyn, n. a little dumpy one

Crwth, n. a bulge, a trunk; a belly; a violin

Crwybr, a. a scum; honeycomb