Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/78

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Crysbais, n. a waistcoat

Crysfad, n. a bishop’s confirmition

Cryslain, a. a shirt bosom

Crytiad, n. a plumping

Crythog, a. gibbous; bulky

Crythor, n. a fiddler

Crythu, v. to swell out

Crythyn, n. a small pox; a kit or small fiddle

Cryw, n. a slice, a slicer

Cu, n. approximation; a. amiable, beloved

Cuch, n. a knit of the brow

Cuchiad, n. a frowning

Cochio, v. to knit the brow

Cuchiog, a. frowning; angry

Cuchiol, a. frowning

Cud, n. celerity; flight

Cudeb, n. affection, amity

Cudyll, n. a kestril; a falcon

Cudyn, n. a lock, as of hair

Cudynog, a. having flowing locks

Cudd, n. a gloom; a hide

Cuddan, n. a wood pigeon

Cuddfa, n. a hiding place

Cuddiad, n. a concealing

Cuddiedig, a. hidden, concealed

Cuddiedigaeth, n. concealment

Cuddio, v. to hide, to conceal

Cuddiol, a. hiding, concealing

Cuedd, n. affectionate, loving

Cueddu, v. to render loving

Cufydd, n. half a yard; a cubit

Cul, n. narrowness; the lean: a. narrow, strait; lean

Culhâu, v. to narrow

Culder, n. narrowness

Culiad, n. a narrowing

Culni, n. narrowness; leaness

Cun, n. a leader, a chief: a. attractive; lovely

Cunell, n. a phalanx

Cuniad, n. a leader, a chief

Cunnellt, n. weapons of war

Cunnog, n. a milk pail

Cunnogaid, n. a pail-full

Cunogi, v. to put in a pail

Cunnogyn, n. a piggin

Cuol, a. loving, affectionate

Cûr, n. a beat, a throb; care

Curedig, a. beaten, knocked

Curfa, n. a beating; a throb

Curiad, n. a pining, a vexing

Curio, v. to pine, to vex

Curiol, a. pining, vexing

Curioldeb, n. piningness

Curo, v. to beat, to throb

Curwlaw, n. a heavy rain

Curyll, n. a sparrow hawk

Cus, n. a kiss; a salute

Cusaniad, n. a kissing

Cusanu, v. to kiss; to salute

Cusanwr, n. a kisser

Cut, v. a hovel, shed, or stye

Cuwch, n. knit of the brow

Cuwr, n. a woor, a lover

Cw, n. concavity; lettuce; ad. wherefrom, whence

Cwb, n. a concavity; a cote

Cwbl, n. a whole, a total

Cwblhâd, n. fulfilling

Cwblhâu, v. to fulfill, to finish

Cwbledd, n. entireness

Cwblhawr, n. finisher

Cwcwll, n. a hood, a cowl

Cwch, n. a boat, a hive

Cwd, n. an injection or throw: n. a bag or pouch

Cweryl, n. strife, quarrel

Cweryliad, n. a quarelling

Cwerylu, v. to quarrel

Cwestiwn, n. a question

Cwfl, n. a hood, a cowl

Cwg, n. a rise; a jet; a knob

Cwgyn, n. a knot; a knuckle

Cwhwfan, n. a waving; a. waving; panting

Cwhwfanu, v. to wave: to pant

Cwl, n. a flagging; a fault; a box for raising coals

Cwla, a. faulting; languid

Cwlas, n. an apartment

Cwlbren, n. a bludgeon

Cwliaw, v. to make faulty

Cwlwm, n. a knot, a tie

Cwlltr, n. a coulter