Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/87

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Cymhleth, a. twisted together

Cymhlethiad, n. intertexture

Cymhlethu, v. to interweave

Cymhlith, a. blended together

Cymhlithiad, n. commixion

Cymhlitho, v. to blend

Cymhlyg, a. complex

Cymhlygiad, n. complication

Cymhlygu, v. to complicate

Cymhorth, n. assistance, aid: v. to assist, to aid

Cymhorthfa, v. to seek aid

Cymhorthiad, n. a succouring

Cymhorthol, a. succouring

Cymhraff, a. of equal thickness

Cymhwys, a. of equal weight; suitable, proper, convenient

Cynhwyso, v. to adapt

Cymhwysiad, n. adjustment

Cymmaint, a. of equal bigness, quantity or number; as much

Cymmal, n. a joint: articulation of limbs

Cymmaliad, n. a jointing

Cymmalog, a. jointed; knotty

Cymmalu, v. to form joints

Cymmalwst, n. rheumatism

Cymman, a. complete, perfect

Cymmanfa, n. an assembly

Cymmathiad, n. an assortment

Cymmathu, v. to assort

Cymmaws, a. complacent

Cymmed, n. a hedge stile

Cymmedliw, n. compliment

Cymmedr, n. proportion

Cymmedredd, n. proportionateness

Cymmedriad, n. proportioning

Cymmedrol, a. proportionable; moderate

Cymmedrolaeth, n. proportionality

Cymmedroldeb, n. moderation

Cymmedroli, v. to proportion

Cymmedrolwr, n. moderator

Cymmeintioli, n. equal bulk

Cymmer, n. a confluence

Cymmeradwy, a. acceptable

Cymmeradwyad, n. acceptation

Cymmeradwyedig, a. qualified

Cymmeradwyo, v. to make acceptable or suitable

Cymmeradwyoldeb, n. acceptableness

Cymmeriad, n. acceptation

Cymmerwi, v. to concoct

Cymmeryd, v. to accept, to take

Cymmesur, a. suitable, proper

Cymmesuriad, commensuration

Cymmesuro, v. to proportion; to render meet or proper

Cymmesurol, a. commensurate

Cymmod, n. concord, peace

Cymmodi, v. to reconcile

Cymmodiad, n. conciliation

Cymmodol, a. reconciling

Cymmodroddi, v. to appease

Cymmrwd, n. mortar, plaster

Cymmrydu, v. to plaster

Cymmrys, a. altogether hasty

Cymraeg, n. Welsh

Cymraes, n. Welsh woman

Cymreigiad, n. a Wallicising

Cymreigiaeth, n. Wallicism

Cymreigiaidd, a. Welshified

Cymreigeiddio, v. to become Welshified

Cymreigio, v. to Wallicise

Cymreigiol, a. Welshified

Cymreigydd, n. a Welsh critic

Cymro, n. Welshman

Cymröaidd, a. relating to Wales

Cymru, n. Wales; Cambria

Cymu, v. to close together

Cymun, n. a communion

Cymuno, v. to take the sacrament

Cymuniad, n. a communion

Cymunwr, n. communicant

Cymwd, n. a township

Cymwedd, n. connection

Cymwynas, n. kindness

Cymwynasgar, a. natured, kind, courteous, good

Cymwynasu, v. to act kindly

Cymydog, n. neighbour

Cymydogaeth, n. neighbourhood

Cymydoges, n. neighbour

Cymydogol, a. neighbourly