Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/91

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Cynwyl, a. bashful, modest

Cynwyre, v. to ascend up

Cynyd, v. to rise, to arise

Cyngan, n. speech, discourse

Cynghad, n. a concourse

Cynghan, a. consonant

Cynghanedd, n. consonancy

Cynghaneddol, a. harmonious

Cynghaneddu, v. to harmonize

Cynghanu, v. to love mutually

Cynghas, n. mutual hate

Cynghau, v. to close together

Cynghawg, n. complicate metre, so called

Cynghaws, n. issue at law, a suit; an advocate or council

Cynghawsaeth, n. pleadings

Cynghawsedd, n. law process

Cynghel, n. privacy: ad. private or concealed

Cynghelu, v. to conceal

Cynghloi, v. to lock together

Cynghlwm, n. a connection

Cynghlwyf, n. a contagion

Cyhghlymu, v. to tie together

Cynghogi, v. to complicate

Cyngholli, v. to cast to perdition

Cynghor, n. a council, advice, recipe

Cynghori, v. to counsel; to advise

Cynghoriad, n. advising

Cynghorol, a. counselling

Cynghorus, a. considerable

Cynghorwr, n. a councellor

Cynghrair, n. treaty

Cynghreirio, to enter into treaty

Cynghreiriol, a. confederate

Cynghreiriwr, n. a sworn confederate

Cynghroes, a. intersecant

Cynghroesi, v. to intersect

Cynghrhon, a. spheric

Cynghrwm, a. of convex form

Cynghryn, mutually trembling

Cyngwerth, n. equivalence

Cynghwys, n. mutual citation

Cyngwysl, n. mutual pledge

Cyrafol, n. service berries

Cyraith, n. law of fate

Cyrawol, n. berries

Cyrbibion, n. dribblets

Cyrcydu, v. to squat, to cower

Cyrch, n. a centre, gravity; an inroad; an attack

Cyrchadwy, a. approachable

Cyrchafael, n. an uplifting

Cyrchell, n. what surrounds

Cyrchfa, n. a resort

Cyrchiad, n. a coming to

Cyrchle, n. a place of resort

Cyrchnaid, n. a bound upon

Cyrchu, v. to gravitate, to approach; to set on; to fetch

Cyrchwr, n. a fetcher

Cyrfaidd, a. rotund, circling

Cyrfawd, n. curvetting

Cyfrdŷ, n. an alehouse

Cyrfydd, n. ale-brewer

Cyrfyll, n. a trunk, a case

Cyrhaedd, n. reach, extent: v. to attain; to reach

Cyrhaeddadwy, a. attainable

Cyrhaeddiad, n. a reaching

Cyrhaeddol, a. within reach

Cyrhaeddu, v. to attain, to reach

Cyrhaeddyd, v. to reach, to attain

Cyriad, n. a skirting round

Cyrid, n. carnal copulation

Cyrio, v. to skirt, to rim

Cyriogi, v. to set a border

Cyrnad, n. a blowing a horn

Cyrnaid, n. a prance, a bound

Cyrneidio, v. to prance

Cyrnen, n. a cone; a stack

Cyrnenaidd, a. conical

Cyrnenu, v. to pile up

Cyrniad, n. a projecting as a horn; to pile up, to stack

Cyrnig, a. corneous; horned

Cyrnio, v. to pile, to stack

Cyrniog, a. cornigerous, horned

Cyrniogyn, n. a piggin

Cyryglwr, n. a coracle-man

Cys, a prefix denoting mutuality of effect or action, of the same force as CYD and CYF

Cysail, n. constituent part