Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/93

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Cystwyol, a. castigatory

Cysur, n. comfort, consolation

Cysuriad, n. a comforting

Cysuro, v. to comfort, to console

Cysurol, a. comforting

Cysurus, a. comforting, cheering

Cysurwr, n. comforter

Cytiad, n. abbreviation

Cytio, v. to abbreviate

Cythlwng, n. a fasting, a fast

Cythraul, n. the devil, satan

Cythrawl, a. adverse

Cythreuliaeth, n. demonolotry

Cythreulig, a. devilish

Cythriad, n. an excretion

Cythru, v. to eject, to cast off

Cythrudd, n. perturbation

Cythruddedigaeth, n. perturbated state

Cythruddiad, n. a purturbating, a ruffling

Cythruddus, a. provoking

Cythruddwr, n. a vexer

Cythrwfl, n. trouble, motion

Cyw, n. young bird, a chick

Cywain, v. to convey, to carry

Cywair, n. connexion, order; a key in music; accordant, orderly

Cywarch, n. hemp, flax

Cywarchlen, n. a canrass

Cywarsang, n. a tread over

Cyweddol, a. conformable

Cyweirdant, n. a key string

Cyweirdeb, n. correctness

Cyweirgorn, n. a turning key

Cyweiriad, n. correction

Cyweirio, v. to correct, to rectify; to dress; to tune

Cyweiriol, a. corrective

Cyweiriwr, n. a repairer

Cyweithas, n. a society; commerce; intercourse

Cyweithasiad, n. association

Cyweithasol, a. social

Cyweithasrwydd, courtesy, complaisance

Cyweithasu, v. to have intercourse; to be social together

Cyweithio, v. to co-operate

Cyweithydd, n. a co-efficient; an auxiliary; a multitude

Cywely, n. a bedfellow

Cywelyes, n. a concubine

Cywelyog, a. having a bedfellow

Cywelogaeth, n. concubinage

Cywen, n. a young hen

Cywenig, n. a little pullet

Cywer, n. a curdler; a rennet

Cywerth, n. equivalence

Cywerthol, a. equivalent

Cywerthu, v. to bargain

Cywerthyddu, v. to estimate

Cywilydd, n. shame, disgrace

Cywilyddgar, a. shameful

Cywilyddiad, n. a shaming

Cywilyddio, v. to shame

Cywilyddus, a. shameful

Cywir, a. correct, sincere

Cywirdeb, n. correctness

Cywiriad, n. a loyalist

Cywirio, v. to perfect; to fulfil; to be sincere

Cywrain, a. skilful; accurate

Cywraint, n. a skilful one

Cywreindeb, n. accuracy

Cywreiniad, a. making accurate

Cywreinio, v. to make exact

Cywreiniwr, n. one who makes perfect

Cywreinrwydd, n. skilfulness

Cywreinwaith, n. curious workmanship

Cywres, n. a concubine

Cywydd, n. a kind of metre; perception; conscience

Cywyddiaeth, n. rationality

Cywyddol, a. conscious

Cywyll, n. culture, tillage

Cywyllu, v. to culture

Cywyn, n. a rise, a swell

Chwa, n. a blast, a puff

Chwad, n. a gust, a jerk

Chwaer, Chwiorydd, n. a sister

Chwaerol, a. like a sister

Chwaroliaeth, n. a sisterhood