Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/97

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Chwyn, n. a stir, weeds

Chwynan, n. a fly wheel

Chwyniad, n. a weeding

Chwyno, v. to stir about

Chwynog, a. full of weeds

Chwynogl, n. a hoe

Chwynogli, v. to grub up weeds

Chwyrn, n. a whirl; a snarl: a. rapid; active

Chwyrnad, n. whirling; snoring

Chwyrndra, n. rapidness

Chwyrnell, n. a whirligig

Chwrnelliad, n. a whirling

Chwyrnellu, v. to whirl, to whiz

Chwyrnfor, n. a strong eddy

Chwyrniad, n. a snarler

Chwyrnog, a. whirling; snarling

Chwyrnogl, n. a rattle

Chwyrnogli, v. to rattle, to whiz

Chwyrnogliad, n. a rattling

Chwyrnolad, v. to snort: n. a snorting

Chwyrnes, n. a hornet

Chwyrnu, v. to hum; to whiz; to snort; to snarl; to snore

Chwys, n. perspiration, sweat

Chwysbair, a sudorific

Chwysdwll, n. sweat pore

Chwysfa, n. a sudatory

Chwysiad, n. a sweating

Chwysig, a. apt to sweat

Chwysigen, n. a bladder

Chwysigeniad, n. a blistering

Chwysigenog, a. blistered

Chwysigenu, v. to blister

Cbwysigl, n. a blister

Chwysiglen, n. a blister

Chwyslyd, a. apt to perspire

Chwysog, a. fall of sweat

Chwysoglen, n. the sharp dock

Chwysol, a. sweating

Chwysu, v. to sweat, to perspire

Chwyth, n. a blast; breath

Chwythad, n. a blasting, a breathing

Chwythaint, n. respiration

Chwythbren, n. a blowpipe

Chwythedd, n. act of blowing

Chwythell, n. a whistle

Chwythelliad, n. a whistling

Chwythgorn, n. a cornet

Chwythiad, n. a blowing

Chwythiedydd, n. a blower

Chwythig, a. windy; inflated

Chwythigell, n. what is inflated

Chwythigen, n. a bettle

Chwythlyd, a. blowing, pufflng

Chwythol, a. blowing; breathing

Chwythu, v. to blow, to blast

Chwythyn, n. a puff, a blast

Da, n. what is had; goods, chattels, stock, cattle: a. good, well: adv. well, good

Dacw, adv. there is, yonder is

Dad, a. prefix equivalent to RE, UN, and DIS in English

Dadadeilio, v. to unbuild

Dadafaelu, v. to relax

Dadangori, v. to disanchor

Dadanelu, v. to unstretch

Dadansoddi, v. to unqualify

Dadarfogi, v. to disarm

Dadblanu, v. to displant

Dadblygu, v. to unfold

Dadboeni, v. to divest of pain

Dadbrofi, v. to disprove

Dadbrynu, v. to repurchase

Dadbwytho, v. to unstitch

Dadbynio, v. to disburden

Dadchwerwi, v. to disimbitter

Dadchwiliad, n. a researching

Dadchwilio, v. to search again

Dadebru, v. to resusciate

Dadechwyno, v. to return a loan

Dadedfryd, v. to restore

Dadegnïo, v. to cease toiling

Dadegru, v. to make brisk what is flat, or stale

Dadenhudd, n. disclosure

Dadeni, n. a second birth

Dadenyn, v. to extinguish

Daderbyn, v. to receive back