Page:A poem on the present assembling of the Parliament, March 6th, 1678 - Waller (1679).djvu/2

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Steep my rude Quill in your diviner Stream,
And raise my Daring Fancy to my Theam.
Give me th' Heroick Wings to Soar as High
As Icarus did, I wou'd like Icarus Die!

Now I behold the bright Assembly Met,
And 'bove the Rest our Sacred Monarch Set,
Charm'd with the dazling Scene, without a Crime,
My Thoughts reflect on th' Infancy of Time,
And wrap me in Idea's most Sublime.
I think how at the new Creation, Sate
Th' Eternal Monarch in his Heaven's fresh State;
The Stars yet wondring at each others Fires,
And all the Sons of Glory Rankt in Quires.

Hail, awfull Patriots, Peers by Birth, and you
The Commons, for high Vertues, Noble too!
The First by Heav'n, in this Assembly plac't,
And by Heav'ns Voice, the People's Votes the Last.

As Various Streams from distant Regions fall,
And in the Deep their general Council call;
Conveying thence Supplies to their first Source,
And fail not to maintain their rowling Course:
Our Senate thus, from every Quarter Call'd,
And in Compleat Assembly Here Install'd,
Shall deal their Influence to each Province round,
And in our Isle no Barren Spot be found.
